I'm Gonna Make You My Wife

I'm gonna make you my wife
Cause you're my everything
all my hopes and dreams come true
I can live my life wth you

I'm gonna buy you some rings
and everywhere you go
everyone will know that it's real
what you make me feel

Until there is no more of me
I will try to make you see
that I will be
my all and all
from here to eternity
be my world eternally
will have a child
and watch it grow

cross my heart and hope to die
if i ever make you cry
may I feel the pain that you feel inside
take the blame if our love should die

I'm gonna make you my world
you be my morning light
the star at night
or the air I breathe

Cross my heart and hope to die
If I ever make you cry
may I feel the pain
that you feel inside
and may I take the pain
if our love should die

I gonna make you my song
you'll be my symphony
my rhapsody my line
you'll be my melody
my harmony my child

you'll be the air I breathe
the birds and bees
my wife

Mirror lyrics:

my wife
the birds and bees
you'll be the air I breathe

my harmony my child
you'll be my melody
my rhapsody my line
you'll be my symphony
I gonna make you my song

if our love should die
and may I take the pain
that you feel inside
may I feel the pain
If I ever make you cry
Cross my heart and hope to die

or the air I breathe
the star at night
you be my morning light
I'm gonna make you my world

take the blame if our love should die
may I feel the pain that you feel inside
if i ever make you cry
cross my heart and hope to die

and watch it grow
will have a child
be my world eternally
from here to eternity
my all and all
that I will be
I will try to make you see
Until there is no more of me

what you make me feel
everyone will know that it's real
and everywhere you go
I'm gonna buy you some rings

I can live my life wth you
all my hopes and dreams come true
Cause you're my everything
I'm gonna make you my wife

Relevant Tags:
II'm GGonna MMake YYou MMy WWife 'm onna ake ou y ife 'Im oGnna aMke oYu yM iWfe j'm honna jake gou jy aife jI'm hGonna jMake gYou jMy aWife
Ij'm Ghonna Mjake Ygou Mjy Waife 9'm yonna kake hou ky 3ife 9I'm yGonna kMake hYou kMy 3Wife I9'm Gyonna Mkake Yhou Mky W3ife l'm bonna nake 6ou ny dife
lI'm bGonna nMake 6You nMy dWife Il'm Gbonna Mnake Y6ou Mny Wdife o'm vonna Maake uou Myy eife oI'm vGonna Mke uYou M eWife Io'm Gvonna Mkae Yuou My Weife
k'm fonna Mzke 7ou Mg sife kI'm fGonna Mzake 7You Mgy sWife Ik'm Gfonna Mazke Y7ou Myg Wsife 8'm tonna Mqke jou Mh 2ife 8I'm tGonna Mqake jYou Mhy 2Wife
I8'm Gtonna Maqke Yjou Myh W2ife u'm Goonna Mske tou M6 qife uI'm Gnna Msake tYou M6y qWife Iu'm Gnona Maske Ytou My6 Wqife I''m Gknna Mwke Yoou Mu Wiife
Im Gkonna Mwake Yu Muy Wfe Im' Goknna Mawke Yuo Myu Wfie I'mm G9nna Mxke Yku M7 Wjfe I' G9onna Mxake Ykou M7y Wjife I'm Go9nna Maxke Yoku My7 Wijfe
I'j G0nna Makke Y9u Mj W9fe I'jm G0onna Mae Y9ou W9ife I'mj Go0nna Maek Yo9u Myj Wi9fe I'k Glnna Male Y0u Mt Wlfe I'km Glonna Malke Y0ou Mty Wlife
I'mk Golnna Makle Yo0u Myt Wilfe I'n Ginna Maoe Ylu Wofe I'nm Gionna Maoke Ylou Woife I'mn Goinna Makoe Yolu Wiofe Gonnna Mame Yiu Wkfe
Gona Mamke Yiou Wkife Gonna Makme Yoiu Wikfe Gomna Maje Youu W8fe Gomnna Majke Yo W8ife Gonmna Makje You Wi8fe

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