When September

All my life I have been waiting
for this moment to arrive
I am speeding up the tempo inside
(fly high)
I doubt that the circles that I'm
moving in are something I could
ever get out of alive
(I love to say that)
I can feel that it starts burning
I got my fingers between
like a shock the torture
gets to my face
tip-top you must go out
you must go out
I have decided for your joy

No easy coming, open my eyes
I can see everything is mortal
No easy going, I realise
I can see everything
and that everything is mortal
All my life I have been waiting for this
it keeps me from sleeping (allright)
I doubt that the circles
that I'm moving in
are something I could ever get out of alive

Mirror lyrics:

are something I could ever get out of alive
that I'm moving in
I doubt that the circles
it keeps me from sleeping (allright)
All my life I have been waiting for this
and that everything is mortal
I can see everything
No easy going, I realise
I can see everything is mortal
No easy coming, open my eyes

I have decided for your joy
you must go out
tip-top you must go out
gets to my face
like a shock the torture
I got my fingers between
I can feel that it starts burning
(I love to say that)
ever get out of alive
moving in are something I could
I doubt that the circles that I'm
(fly high)
I am speeding up the tempo inside
for this moment to arrive
All my life I have been waiting

Relevant Tags:
MMortal ortal oMrtal jortal jMortal Mjortal kortal kMortal Mkortal nortal nMortal
Mnortal Moortal Mrtal Mrotal Mkrtal Mokrtal M9rtal M9ortal Mo9rtal M0rtal M0ortal
Mo0rtal Mlrtal Mlortal Molrtal Mirtal Miortal Moirtal Morrtal Motal Motral Modtal
Modrtal Mordtal Mo4tal Mo4rtal Mor4tal Mogtal Mogrtal Morgtal Mottal Motrtal Morttal
Mo5tal Mo5rtal Mor5tal Moftal Mofrtal Morftal

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