No Happy Ending Tune

When the summer comes we'll get on our aeroplanes and go back to where
we came from.


It's a surprise. But I think I'll survive.

When this is done we can have our loved ones back just in time the the
new hijack.

Blue and black

It's a fact. It's the act we act in side.

Oh god how good would it be if you trusted me and I believed in you?
Oh god what good could we do? No happy ending tune.

When the summer comes we can burn our penguin clothes and go home
where no one knows us.


It's a sign....shinny like a dime.

When this is done we can die a thousand times all alone and unrecognized.


Never mind. Oh I hate to say good bye.

But oh god how good would it be if you trusted me and I believed in
you? Oh god what good would it do? If I believed in you. If I
believed in you. But this is a no happy ending tune.

Oh god how good would it be if you trusted me and I believed in you?
Oh god what good could we do? If you trusted me and I believed in
you. Oh god what good would it do? If I believed in you. If I
believed in you. If I believed in you. If I believed in you. If I
believed in you. If I believed in you.

But this is a no happy ending tune.

Mirror lyrics:

But this is a no happy ending tune.

believed in you. If I believed in you.
believed in you. If I believed in you. If I believed in you. If I
you. Oh god what good would it do? If I believed in you. If I
Oh god what good could we do? If you trusted me and I believed in
Oh god how good would it be if you trusted me and I believed in you?

believed in you. But this is a no happy ending tune.
you? Oh god what good would it do? If I believed in you. If I
But oh god how good would it be if you trusted me and I believed in

Never mind. Oh I hate to say good bye.


When this is done we can die a thousand times all alone and unrecognized.

It's a sign....shinny like a dime.


where no one knows us.
When the summer comes we can burn our penguin clothes and go home

Oh god what good could we do? No happy ending tune.
Oh god how good would it be if you trusted me and I believed in you?

It's a fact. It's the act we act in side.

Blue and black

new hijack.
When this is done we can have our loved ones back just in time the the

It's a surprise. But I think I'll survive.


we came from.
When the summer comes we'll get on our aeroplanes and go back to where

Relevant Tags:
NNo HHappy EEnding TTune o appy nding une oN aHppy nEding uTne mo jappy snding fune mNo jHappy sEnding fTune Nmo Hjappy Esnding Tfune
ho uappy 3nding 5une hNo uHappy 3Ending 5Tune Nho Huappy E3nding T5une jo nappy fnding hune jNo nHappy fEnding hTune Njo Hnappy Efnding Thune
bo bappy rnding yune bNo bHappy rEnding yTune Nbo Hbappy Ernding Tyune Noo gappy 4nding 6une N gHappy 4Ending 6Tune No Hgappy E4nding T6une
Nk yappy dnding gune Nko yHappy dEnding gTune Nok Hyappy Ednding Tgune N9 Haappy wnding rune N9o Hppy wEnding rTune No9 Hpapy Ewnding Trune
N0 Hzppy Ennding Tuune N0o Hzappy Eding Tne No0 Hazppy Edning Tnue Nl Hqppy Emding Thne Nlo Hqappy Emnding Nol Haqppy Enmding Tuhne
Ni Hsppy Ehding T7ne Nio Hsappy Ehnding T7une Noi Hasppy Enhding Tu7ne Hwppy Ejding Tkne Hwappy Ejnding Tkune Hawppy Enjding Tukne
Hxppy Ebding Tine Hxappy Ebnding Tiune Haxppy Enbding Tuine Happpy Endding T8ne Hapy Ening T8une Happy Enidng Tu8ne
Ha0py Enxing Tjne Ha0ppy Enxding Tjune Hap0py Endxing Tujne Halpy Eneing Tyne Halppy Eneding Haplpy Endeing Tuyne
Haopy Enfing Tunne Haoppy Enfding Tue Hapopy Endfing Tuen Enring Tume Enrding Tumne Hapyp Endring Tunme
Hap0y Encing Tuhe Encding Happ0y Endcing Tunhe Haply Ensing Tuje Ensding

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