What Made Milwaukee Famous
Almost Always Never

It's something.
Occasionally, it subsides to nothing
right there in front of your eyes.
I'd show you,
but it never happens when you want it to.
It's easy when it's not expected.
Just drop over.
I'm sure you're going to be surprised
to find that it's right there in front of your eyes.
Almost always never make the grade.
Stupid lesson learned and statement made.
What were you expecting?

Ok. I lied.
It's not like we've been wasting time.
Besides, it's something we all need in our lives.
Ain't it something:
how that's the thing we can't disguise.
A selfish act of trickery (betrayed!)
only meant to turn your eyes away
from everything you've been so absorbed in these days.
I was only hoping maybe we could get away.
But, hey...


I thought I'd made it easy on you,
that answers just befell you.
But if you're feeling bad, if you want it bad...

Now, you see!
You've made it hard on me.
Tables turned and worry-free.
It's so hard to disagree.
Deperate measure hastily decay when you choose
to turn your eyes away from everything you've been
so absorbed in these days.
I was only hoping maybe we could get away.

Mirror lyrics:

I was only hoping maybe we could get away.
so absorbed in these days.
to turn your eyes away from everything you've been
Deperate measure hastily decay when you choose
It's so hard to disagree.
Tables turned and worry-free.
You've made it hard on me.
Now, you see!

But if you're feeling bad, if you want it bad...
that answers just befell you.
I thought I'd made it easy on you,


But, hey...
I was only hoping maybe we could get away.
from everything you've been so absorbed in these days.
only meant to turn your eyes away
A selfish act of trickery (betrayed!)
how that's the thing we can't disguise.
Ain't it something:
Besides, it's something we all need in our lives.
It's not like we've been wasting time.
Ok. I lied.

What were you expecting?
Stupid lesson learned and statement made.
Almost always never make the grade.
to find that it's right there in front of your eyes.
I'm sure you're going to be surprised
Just drop over.
It's easy when it's not expected.
but it never happens when you want it to.
I'd show you,
right there in front of your eyes.
Occasionally, it subsides to nothing
It's something.

Relevant Tags:
AAlmost AAlways NNever lmost lways ever lAmost lAways eNver zlmost zlways mever zAlmost zAlways mNever Azlmost Azlways Nmever
qlmost qlways hever qAlmost qAlways hNever Aqlmost Aqlways Nhever slmost slways jever sAlmost sAlways jNever Aslmost Aslways Njever
wlmost wlways bever wAlmost wAlways bNever Awlmost Awlways Nbever xlmost xlways Neever xAlmost xAlways Nver Axlmost Axlways Nveer
Allmost Allways Nsver Amost Aways Nsever Amlost Awlays Nesver Akmost Akways N3ver Aklmost Aklways N3ever Alkmost Alkways Ne3ver
Aomost Aoways Nfver Aolmost Aolways Nfever Alomost Aloways Nefver Apmost Apways Nrver Aplmost Aplways Nrever Alpmost Alpways Nerver
Almmost Alwways N4ver Alost Alays N4ever Alomst Alawys Ne4ver Aljost Alaays Ndver Aljmost Alaways Ndever Almjost Alwaays Nedver
Alkost Al3ays Nwver Al3ways Nwever Almkost Alw3ays Newver Alnost Aldays Nevver Alnmost Aldways Neer Almnost Alwdays Neevr
Almoost Aleays Neber Almst Aleways Nebver Almsot Alweays Nevber Almkst Alsays Necer Alsways Necver Almokst Alwsays Nevcer
Alm9st Al2ays Neger Alm9ost Al2ways Negver Almo9st Alw2ays Nevger Alm0st Alqays Nefer Alm0ost Alqways Almo0st Alwqays Nevfer
Almlst Neveer Almlost Alwys Nevr Almolst Alwyas Nevre

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