Happy In You

Once I met a boy

He told me that he planned for us

To spend some time

Once I met a boy

That told me that he knew that

Together we'd be alright

His brother said

"You don't know what you're doing

He's all over you"

I didn't think

That anyone could be like that

I was so happy in you, happy in you

(Py-py, py-py in you)

We talked on the phone

And got to know each other

Pretty well, I would say

We were in no hurry

We didn't go to bed

And I thought love had come our way

His brother said

"You don't know what you're doing

He just likes to be cruel"

I didn't think

That anyone could be like that

I was so happy in you, happy in you

(Py-py, py-py in you)

Then one night

When I was out drinking

Suddenly he was there

Something was wrong

I knew it, I could feel it

And I didn't know what to say

His brother said

"You don't know what you're doing"

I said, "What's on your mind?"

I looked into his eyes

And I found what I'd been missing

Well, love makes you blind

Happy in you

(Py-py, py-py in you)

Mirror lyrics:

(Py-py, py-py in you)

Happy in you

Well, love makes you blind

And I found what I'd been missing

I looked into his eyes

I said, "What's on your mind?"

"You don't know what you're doing"

His brother said

And I didn't know what to say

I knew it, I could feel it

Something was wrong

Suddenly he was there

When I was out drinking

Then one night

(Py-py, py-py in you)

I was so happy in you, happy in you

That anyone could be like that

I didn't think

He just likes to be cruel"

"You don't know what you're doing

His brother said

And I thought love had come our way

We didn't go to bed

We were in no hurry

Pretty well, I would say

And got to know each other

We talked on the phone

(Py-py, py-py in you)

I was so happy in you, happy in you

That anyone could be like that

I didn't think

He's all over you"

"You don't know what you're doing

His brother said

Together we'd be alright

That told me that he knew that

Once I met a boy

To spend some time

He told me that he planned for us

Once I met a boy

Relevant Tags:
HHappy IIn YYou appy n ou aHppy nI oYu jappy jn gou jHappy jIn gYou Hjappy Ijn Ygou uappy 9n hou uHappy 9In hYou Huappy I9n Yhou
nappy ln 6ou nHappy lIn 6You Hnappy Iln Y6ou bappy on uou bHappy oIn uYou Hbappy Ion Yuou gappy kn 7ou gHappy kIn 7You Hgappy Ikn Y7ou
yappy 8n jou yHappy 8In jYou Hyappy I8n Yjou Haappy un tou Hppy uIn tYou Hpapy Iun Ytou Hzppy Inn Yoou Hzappy I Yu Hazppy In Yuo
Hqppy Im Yku Hqappy Imn Ykou Haqppy Inm Yoku Hsppy Ih Y9u Hsappy Ihn Y9ou Hasppy Inh Yo9u Hwppy Ij Y0u Hwappy Y0ou Hawppy Inj Yo0u
Hxppy Ib Ylu Hxappy Ibn Ylou Haxppy Inb Yolu Happpy Yiu Hapy Yiou

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