Zonked Right Out (on Life)

Zonked right out HA HA

Won't you bop on over little Charlie, won't you [bop]
Won't you bop on over with the move and don't you stop
It's za bees, za bows, zabaglio
That gets the feelin' makes the world go go

Zonked right out HA HA on life

I could tell you how to be a happy person
All you do is throw yourself in love

Mirror lyrics:

All you do is throw yourself in love
I could tell you how to be a happy person

Zonked right out HA HA on life

That gets the feelin' makes the world go go
It's za bees, za bows, zabaglio
Won't you bop on over with the move and don't you stop
Won't you bop on over little Charlie, won't you [bop]

Zonked right out HA HA

Relevant Tags:
ZZonked RRight OOut ((on LLife) onked ight ut on ife) oZnked iRght uOt o(n iLfe) aonked dight kut (oon kife) aZonked dRight kOut (n kLife)
Zaonked Rdight Okut (no Lkife) sonked 4ight 9ut (kn oife) sZonked 4Right 9Out (kon oLife) Zsonked R4ight O9ut (okn Loife) xonked gight 0ut (9n pife)
xZonked gRight 0Out (9on pLife) Zxonked Rgight O0ut (o9n Lpife) Zoonked tight lut (0n Liife) Znked tRight lOut (0on Lfe) Znoked Rtight Olut (o0n Lfie)
Zknked 5ight iut (ln Ljfe) Zkonked 5Right iOut (lon Ljife) Zoknked R5ight Oiut (oln Lijfe) Z9nked fight Ouut (in L9fe) Z9onked fRight Ot (ion L9ife)
Zo9nked Rfight Otu (oin Li9fe) Z0nked eight Oht (onn Llfe) Z0onked eRight Ohut (o Llife) Zo0nked Reight Ouht (on Lilfe) Zlnked Riight O7t (om Lofe)
Zlonked Rght O7ut (omn Zolnked Rgiht Ou7t (onm Liofe) Zinked Rjght Okt (oh Lkfe) Zionked Rjight (ohn Zoinked Rijght Oukt (onh Likfe)
Zonnked R9ght Oit (oj L8fe) Zoked R9ight (ojn L8ife) Zokned Ri9ght Ouit (onj Li8fe) Zomked Rlght O8t (ob Lufe) Zomnked Rlight O8ut (obn Luife)
Zonmked Rilght Ou8t (onb Liufe) Zohked Roght Ojt Liffe) Zohnked Roight Ojut Lie) Zonhked Rioght Oujt Lief) Zojked Rkght Oyt Lice)
Zojnked Rkight Oyut Licfe) Zonjked Rikght Ouyt Lifce) Zobked R8ght Outt Lire) Zobnked R8ight Ou Lirfe) Zonbked Ri8ght Out Lifre)
Zonkked Rught Ouf Lige) Zoned Ruight Ouft Ligfe) Zonekd Riught Outf Lifge) Zonled Rigght Ou5 Lite) Zonlked Riht Ou5t Litfe)
Zonkled Rihgt Out5 Lifte) Zonoed Rihht Ouh Live) Zonoked Rihght Livfe) Zonkoed Righht Outh Lifve)

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