When You're Near Me I Have Difficulty

When you're near me I have difficulty respirating
When you're near me I have difficulty concentrating
When you're near me I have difficulty standing upright
When you're near me I have difficulty sleeping at night

I used to stand proud like a sphinx
In a noble immovable state
Then your heart nailed me under a jinx
Now I'm feeling like a jellyfish
Just a spineless wobbly jellyfish
And it's great, great, so great

I used to stand high like a pine
Just a piece of emotionless wood
When you put your body near mine
Now I'm feeling like a jellyfish
And it's good, good, so good
I used to be an iceman
Living in iceman town
So I'm warning all you cool cool icemen
You'd better be prepared to be melted right down
When you're near me I have difficulty

Mirror lyrics:

When you're near me I have difficulty
You'd better be prepared to be melted right down
So I'm warning all you cool cool icemen
Living in iceman town
I used to be an iceman
And it's good, good, so good
Now I'm feeling like a jellyfish
When you put your body near mine
Just a piece of emotionless wood
I used to stand high like a pine

And it's great, great, so great
Just a spineless wobbly jellyfish
Now I'm feeling like a jellyfish
Then your heart nailed me under a jinx
In a noble immovable state
I used to stand proud like a sphinx

When you're near me I have difficulty sleeping at night
When you're near me I have difficulty standing upright
When you're near me I have difficulty concentrating
When you're near me I have difficulty respirating

Relevant Tags:
WWhen YYou're NNear MMe II HHave DDifficulty hen ou're ear e ave ifficulty hWen oYu're eNar eM I aHve iDfficulty
ahen gou're mear je j jave xifficulty aWhen gYou're mNear jMe jI jHave xDifficulty Wahen Ygou're Nmear Mje Ij Hjave Dxifficulty
3hen hou're hear ke 9 uave eifficulty 3When hYou're hNear kMe 9I uHave eDifficulty W3hen Yhou're Nhear Mke I9 Huave Deifficulty
dhen 6ou're jear ne l nave fifficulty dWhen 6You're jNear nMe lI nHave fDifficulty Wdhen Y6ou're Njear Mne Il Hnave Dfifficulty
ehen uou're bear Mee o bave rifficulty eWhen uYou're bNear M oI bHave rDifficulty Wehen Yuou're Nbear Me Io Hbave Drifficulty
shen 7ou're Neear Ms k gave cifficulty sWhen 7You're Nar Mse kI gHave cDifficulty Wshen Y7ou're Naer Mes Ik Hgave Dcifficulty
2hen jou're Nsar M3 8 yave sifficulty 2When jYou're Nsear M3e 8I yHave sDifficulty W2hen Yjou're Nesar Me3 I8 Hyave Dsifficulty
qhen tou're N3ar Mf u Haave Diifficulty qWhen tYou're N3ear Mfe uI Hve Dfficulty Wqhen Ytou're Ne3ar Mef Iu Hvae Dfificulty
Whhen Yoou're Nfar Mr Hzve Djfficulty Wen Yu're Nfear Mre Hzave Djifficulty Wehn Yuo're Nefar Mer Hazve Dijfficulty
Wjen Yku're Nrar M4 Hqve D9fficulty Wjhen Ykou're Nrear M4e Hqave D9ifficulty Whjen Yoku're Nerar Me4 Haqve Di9fficulty
Wuen Y9u're N4ar Md Hsve Dlfficulty Wuhen Y9ou're N4ear Mde Hsave Dlifficulty Whuen Yo9u're Ne4ar Med Hasve Dilfficulty
Wnen Y0u're Ndar Mw Hwve Dofficulty Wnhen Y0ou're Ndear Mwe Hwave Doifficulty Whnen Yo0u're Nedar Mew Hawve Diofficulty
Wben Ylu're Nwar Hxve Dkfficulty Wbhen Ylou're Nwear Hxave Dkifficulty Whben Yolu're Newar Haxve Dikfficulty
Wgen Yiu're Neaar Havve D8fficulty Wghen Yiou're Ner Hae D8ifficulty Whgen Yoiu're Nera Haev Di8fficulty
Wyen Youu're Nezr Habe Dufficulty Wyhen Yo're Nezar Habve Duifficulty Whyen Yo'ure Neazr Havbe Diufficulty
Wheen Yoh're Neqr Hace Diffficulty Whn Yohu're Neqar Hacve Dificulty Whne Youh're Neaqr Havce Difficulty
Whsn Yo7're Nesr Hage Dicficulty Whsen Yo7u're Hagve Dicfficulty Whesn You7're Neasr Havge Difcficulty
Wh3n Yok're Newr Hafe Dirficulty Wh3en Hafve Dirfficulty Whe3n Youk're Neawr Havfe Difrficulty
Whfn Yoi're Nexr Havee Digficulty Whfen Nexar Hav Digfficulty Whefn Youi're Neaxr Have Difgficulty
Whrn Yo8're Nearr Havs Ditficulty Whren Yo8u're Nea Havse Ditfficulty Whern You8're Near Haves Diftficulty
Wh4n Yoj're Nead Hav3 Divficulty Wh4en Yoju're Neadr Hav3e Divfficulty Whe4n Youj're Neard Have3 Difvficulty
Whdn Yoy're Nea4 Havf Didficulty Whden Yoyu're Nea4r Didfficulty Whedn Youy're Near4 Havef Difdficulty
Whwn You''re Neag Havr Whwen Youre Neagr Havre Whewn Your'e Nearg Haver Dififculty
Whenn You'rre Neat Hav4 Difciculty Whe You'e Neatr Hav4e When You'er Neart Have4 Diffciculty
Whem You'de Nea5 Havd Difriculty Whemn You'dre Nea5r Havde Whenm You'rde Near5 Haved Diffriculty
Wheh You'4e Neaf Havw Difgiculty Whehn You'4re Neafr Havwe Whenh You'r4e Nearf Havew Diffgiculty
Whej You'ge Neae Difticulty Whejn You'gre Neaer Whenj You'rge Neare Diffticulty
Wheb You'te Difviculty Whebn You'tre Whenb You'rte Diffviculty
You'5e Difdiculty You'5re You'r5e Diffdiculty
You'fe Diffiiculty You'fre Diffculty You'rfe Diffciulty

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