Weird Al Yankovic
I Lost On Jeopardy

I was there, to match my intellect, on national TV,
Against a plumber, and an architect, both with a Ph.D.
I was tense, I was nervous,
I guess it just wasn't my night.
Art Fleming gave the answers,
Oh, but I couldn't get the questions right-ight-ight

I lost on Jeopardy,
I lost on Jeopardy,

Well I knew I was in trouble now,
My hope of winning sank,
'Cause I got the Daily Double now,
And then my mind went blank.
I took Potpourri for one hundred,
And then my head started to spin.
Well, I'm givin' up. Don Pardo,
Just tell me now what I didn't win,
Yeah, yeah.

I lost on Jeopardy,
I lost on Jeopardy,

That's right Al--you lost! And let me tell what you didn't win: a twenty-
volume set of the Encyclopedia International, a case of Turtle Wax, and a
year's supply of Rice-a-Roni, the San Francisco treat. But that's not all!
You also made yourself look like a jerk in front of millions of people! And
you brought shame and disgrace on your family name for generations to come!
You don't get to come back tomorrow! You don't even get a lousy copy of our
home game! You're a complete loser!!

Don't know what I was thinkin' of,
I guess I just wasn't too bright.
Well, I sure hope I do better
Next weekend on The Price Is Right-ight-ight

I lost on Jeopardy,
I lost on Jeopardy,
I lost on Jeopardy,

Mirror lyrics:

I lost on Jeopardy,
I lost on Jeopardy,
I lost on Jeopardy,

Next weekend on The Price Is Right-ight-ight
Well, I sure hope I do better
I guess I just wasn't too bright.
Don't know what I was thinkin' of,

home game! You're a complete loser!!
You don't get to come back tomorrow! You don't even get a lousy copy of our
you brought shame and disgrace on your family name for generations to come!
You also made yourself look like a jerk in front of millions of people! And
year's supply of Rice-a-Roni, the San Francisco treat. But that's not all!
volume set of the Encyclopedia International, a case of Turtle Wax, and a
That's right Al--you lost! And let me tell what you didn't win: a twenty-

I lost on Jeopardy,
I lost on Jeopardy,

Yeah, yeah.
Just tell me now what I didn't win,
Well, I'm givin' up. Don Pardo,
And then my head started to spin.
I took Potpourri for one hundred,
And then my mind went blank.
'Cause I got the Daily Double now,
My hope of winning sank,
Well I knew I was in trouble now,

I lost on Jeopardy,
I lost on Jeopardy,

Oh, but I couldn't get the questions right-ight-ight
Art Fleming gave the answers,
I guess it just wasn't my night.
I was tense, I was nervous,
Against a plumber, and an architect, both with a Ph.D.
I was there, to match my intellect, on national TV,

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II LLost OOn JJeopardy ost n eopardy I oLst nO eJopardy j kost kn keopardy jI kLost kOn kJeopardy Ij Lkost Okn Jkeopardy
9 oost 9n ieopardy 9I oLost 9On iJeopardy I9 Loost O9n Jieopardy l post 0n meopardy lI pLost 0On mJeopardy Il Lpost O0n Jmeopardy
o ln neopardy oI Lst lOn nJeopardy Io Lsot Oln Jneopardy k Lkst in heopardy kI iOn hJeopardy Ik Lokst Oin Jheopardy
8 L9st Onn ueopardy 8I L9ost O uJeopardy I8 Lo9st On Jueopardy u L0st Om Jeeopardy uI L0ost Omn Jopardy Iu Lo0st Onm Joepardy
Llst Oh Jsopardy Llost Ohn Jseopardy Lolst Onh Jesopardy List Oj J3opardy Liost Ojn J3eopardy Loist Onj Je3opardy
Losst Ob Jfopardy Lot Obn Jfeopardy Lots Onb Jefopardy Lozt Jropardy Lozst Jreopardy Loszt Jeropardy
Lowt J4opardy Lowst J4eopardy Loswt Je4opardy Lodt Jdopardy Lodst Jdeopardy Losdt Jedopardy
Loet Jwopardy Loest Jweopardy Loset Jewopardy Loxt Jeoopardy Loxst Jepardy Losxt Jepoardy
Loat Jekpardy Loast Jekopardy Losat Jeokpardy Lostt Je9pardy Los Je9opardy Lost Jeo9pardy
Losf Je0pardy Losft Je0opardy Lostf Jeo0pardy Los5 Jelpardy Los5t Jelopardy Lost5 Jeolpardy
Losh Jeipardy Losht Jeiopardy Losth Jeoipardy Losy Jeoppardy Losyt Jeoardy Losty Jeoaprdy
Los6 Jeo0ardy Los6t Lost6 Jeop0ardy Losg Jeolardy Losgt Lostg Jeoplardy
Losr Jeooardy Losrt Lostr Jeopoardy Jeopaardy Jeoprdy Jeoprady

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