Weeping Willows
When You Are Asleep

I wonder if you can see
If you can see the secret that I keep
Are you the one for me
I wonder how much longer I
can keep pretending that I´m there by your side
You´re alone when you´re with me

The truth is buried deep
Beneath the mask you see
At night I wake and weep
But only when you are asleep

I´m waiting for the day
when you´ll go down on your knees and say ‘Will you marry me?'
That day is what I live to see

Why must I be this kind of guy
who never dares to look straight into your eyes
The truth would make you cry
So I´ll leave it up to you
I´ll treat you worse and worse ´til you´re forced to go
My love for you has grown cold

The truth is buried deep
Beneath the mask you see
At night I wake and weep
But only when you are asleep

Mirror lyrics:

But only when you are asleep
At night I wake and weep
Beneath the mask you see
The truth is buried deep

My love for you has grown cold
I´ll treat you worse and worse ´til you´re forced to go
So I´ll leave it up to you
The truth would make you cry
who never dares to look straight into your eyes
Why must I be this kind of guy

That day is what I live to see
when you´ll go down on your knees and say ‘Will you marry me?'
I´m waiting for the day

But only when you are asleep
At night I wake and weep
Beneath the mask you see
The truth is buried deep

You´re alone when you´re with me
can keep pretending that I´m there by your side
I wonder how much longer I
Are you the one for me
If you can see the secret that I keep
I wonder if you can see

Relevant Tags:
WWhen YYou AAre AAsleep hen ou re sleep hWen oYu rAe sAleep ahen gou zre zsleep aWhen gYou zAre zAsleep Wahen Ygou Azre Azsleep
3hen hou qre qsleep 3When hYou qAre qAsleep W3hen Yhou Aqre Aqsleep dhen 6ou sre ssleep dWhen 6You sAre sAsleep Wdhen Y6ou Asre Assleep
ehen uou wre wsleep eWhen uYou wAre wAsleep Wehen Yuou Awre Awsleep shen 7ou xre xsleep sWhen 7You xAre xAsleep Wshen Y7ou Axre Axsleep
2hen jou Arre 2When jYou Ae Aleep W2hen Yjou Aer Alseep qhen tou Ade Azleep qWhen tYou Adre Wqhen Ytou Arde Aszleep
Whhen Yoou A4e Awleep Wen Yu A4re Wehn Yuo Ar4e Aswleep Wjen Yku Age Adleep Wjhen Ykou Agre Adsleep Whjen Yoku Arge Asdleep
Wuen Y9u Ate Aeleep Wuhen Y9ou Atre Aesleep Whuen Yo9u Arte Aseleep Wnen Y0u A5e Axleep Wnhen Y0ou A5re Whnen Yo0u Ar5e Asxleep
Wben Ylu Afe Aaleep Wbhen Ylou Afre Aasleep Whben Yolu Arfe Asaleep Wgen Yiu Aee Aslleep Wghen Yiou Aere Aseep Whgen Yoiu Aree Aselep
Wyen Youu Askeep Wyhen Yo Ar Askleep Whyen You Are Aslkeep Wheen Yoh Ars Asoeep Whn Yohu Arse Asoleep Whne Youh Ares Asloeep
Whsn Yo7 Ar3 Aspeep

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