Queen For A Day

You might think
I'm walking epitome
Of Colonel Klink
Borne of stupidity
I'm not your leading candidate
For organ grinder
I wear a monkey on my back
As daily reminder
So I've been told
Hot turns cold
You were only queen for a day
Young turns to old, blood into stone
Golden fades to grey.
You don't blink as you sip champagne
Impervious, to a world of pain
All you wear is a child's mirage
Everywhere cracks in your visage
One thing I know
Hot turns to cold
You were only queen for a day
Young turns to old
Blood and stone
Memories fade to grey
Always room, for one more tomb
You are only queen for a day.
Ask the mirror on the wall
Who was stupid after all?
No one wants to to live alone
No one wants to die alone
As the story goes
Oceans are cold
Insanity will pull you down
I know my history
You can't swim with me
Vanity will watch you drown
There's so such thing as "saved"
Your body won't rise from the grave
You were only queen for a day.

(c)2009 P.Allgood,B.Smith,L.Whitsel-BMI
All Rights Reserved.

Mirror lyrics:

All Rights Reserved.
(c)2009 P.Allgood,B.Smith,L.Whitsel-BMI

You were only queen for a day.
Your body won't rise from the grave
There's so such thing as "saved"
Vanity will watch you drown
You can't swim with me
I know my history
Insanity will pull you down
Oceans are cold
As the story goes
No one wants to die alone
No one wants to to live alone
Who was stupid after all?
Ask the mirror on the wall
You are only queen for a day.
Always room, for one more tomb
Memories fade to grey
Blood and stone
Young turns to old
You were only queen for a day
Hot turns to cold
One thing I know
Everywhere cracks in your visage
All you wear is a child's mirage
Impervious, to a world of pain
You don't blink as you sip champagne
Golden fades to grey.
Young turns to old, blood into stone
You were only queen for a day
Hot turns cold
So I've been told
As daily reminder
I wear a monkey on my back
For organ grinder
I'm not your leading candidate
Borne of stupidity
Of Colonel Klink
I'm walking epitome
You might think

Relevant Tags:
QQueen FFor AA DDay ueen or ay uQeen oFr A aDy aueen cor z xay aQueen cFor zA xDay Qaueen Fcor Az Dxay 2ueen ror q eay
2Queen rFor qA eDay Q2ueen Fror Aq Deay wueen gor s fay wQueen gFor sA fDay Qwueen Fgor As Dfay sueen tor w ray sQueen tFor wA rDay
Qsueen Ftor Aw Dray 1ueen vor x cay 1Queen vFor xA cDay Q1ueen Fvor Ax Dcay Quueen dor say Qeen dFor sDay Qeuen Fdor Dsay
Qheen Foor Daay Qhueen Fr Dy Quheen Fro Dya Q7een Fkr Dzy Q7ueen Fkor Dzay Qu7een Fokr Dazy Qkeen F9r Dqy
Qkueen F9or Dqay Qukeen Fo9r Daqy Qieen F0r Dsy Qiueen F0or Quieen Fo0r Dasy Q8een Flr Dwy Q8ueen Flor Dway
Qu8een Folr Dawy Qjeen Fir Dxy Qjueen Fior Qujeen Foir Daxy Qyeen Forr Dayy Qyueen Fo Da Quyeen For Day
Queeen Fod Dag Quen Fodr Dagy Queen Ford Dayg Qusen Fo4 Dah Quseen Fo4r Dahy Quesen For4 Dayh

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