Weddings Parties Anything
For A Short Time

Sometimes you can say more, in a drunken hour or so
Than some people get across, in a life of lying low.
And sometimes you can feel more, for someone you've barley kissed,
but you don't see it at the time, and the moment that you've missed.
For a short time, she was standing there,
and you saw her, she saw you and you recall the colour of her hair.
For a long time, you never thought of her,
Then you heard she was gone for good,
You might have cried then if you could,
Would have looked foolish if you did, somewhere
The tears are falling in your mind,
For a short time.
There's a photo of your gang, on the night she hung about,
and you're looking like a wag, you've got your fat tongue poking out.
But she's no-where to be seen, you won't spot her anywhere.
It was her who took the picture, you were looking straight at her.

For a short time, she was standing there,
and you saw her, she saw you and you recall the colour of her hair.
For a long time, you never thought of her,
Then you heard she was gone for good,
You might have cried then if you could,
Would have looked foolish if you did, somewhere
The tears are falling in your mind,
For a short time.
Tell me how long is a short time, is it longer than two hours,
Or a bit less than a weekend. Is it shorter than a year?
Is it the time it takes to not complete your business with a person,
With a friend you make in transit,
to a daughter held so dear.

Mirror lyrics:

to a daughter held so dear.
With a friend you make in transit,
Is it the time it takes to not complete your business with a person,
Or a bit less than a weekend. Is it shorter than a year?
Tell me how long is a short time, is it longer than two hours,
For a short time.
The tears are falling in your mind,
Would have looked foolish if you did, somewhere
You might have cried then if you could,
Then you heard she was gone for good,
For a long time, you never thought of her,
and you saw her, she saw you and you recall the colour of her hair.
For a short time, she was standing there,

It was her who took the picture, you were looking straight at her.
But she's no-where to be seen, you won't spot her anywhere.
and you're looking like a wag, you've got your fat tongue poking out.
There's a photo of your gang, on the night she hung about,
For a short time.
The tears are falling in your mind,
Would have looked foolish if you did, somewhere
You might have cried then if you could,
Then you heard she was gone for good,
For a long time, you never thought of her,
and you saw her, she saw you and you recall the colour of her hair.
For a short time, she was standing there,
but you don't see it at the time, and the moment that you've missed.
And sometimes you can feel more, for someone you've barley kissed,
Than some people get across, in a life of lying low.
Sometimes you can say more, in a drunken hour or so

Relevant Tags:
FFor AA SShort TTime or hort ime oFr A hSort iTme cor z zhort fime cFor zA zShort fTime Fcor Az Szhort Tfime ror q whort 5ime
rFor qA wShort 5Time Fror Aq Swhort T5ime gor s dhort hime gFor sA dShort hTime Fgor As Sdhort Thime tor w ehort yime tFor wA eShort yTime
Ftor Aw Sehort Tyime vor x xhort 6ime vFor xA xShort 6Time Fvor Ax Sxhort T6ime dor ahort gime dFor aShort gTime Fdor Sahort Tgime
Foor Shhort rime Fr Sort rTime Fro Sohrt Trime Fkr Sjort Tiime Fkor Sjhort Tme Fokr Shjort Tmie F9r Suort Tjme
F9or Suhort Tjime Fo9r Shuort Tijme F0r Snort T9me F0or Snhort T9ime Fo0r Shnort Ti9me Flr Sbort Tlme Flor Sbhort Tlime
Folr Shbort Tilme Fir Sgort Tome Fior Sghort Toime Foir Shgort Tiome Forr Syort Tkme Fo Syhort Tkime For Shyort Tikme
Fod Shoort T8me Fodr Shrt T8ime Ford Shrot Ti8me Fo4 Shkrt Tume Fo4r Shkort Tuime For4 Shokrt Tiume Fog Sh9rt Timme
Fogr Sh9ort Tie Forg Sho9rt Tiem Fot Sh0rt Tije

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