Webb Wilder
No Great Shakes

Artist: Webb Wilder
Title: No Great Shakes
Why you let me get this close, I can't say
Close but no cigar, it's still too far away
If I reach for you
Will you run?
If I tag along
Will I spoil the fun?
If I play it cool
Will you think I'm playin' dumb?

My mind tumbles when I talk to you
You wouldn't think it would be so hard to do
You're a nightingale, I'm a mockingbird
Every song I sing is a song you've heard
When it comes to love guess I just ain't got the word

I'm no great Shakes at reading your mind
No great Shakes at sayin' my lines
Show me a sign, give me a clue
Tell me what it takes to get through to you

The crystal ball ain't all it's cracked up to be
The psychic hotline? Hell that's way too deep for me
But there's no lip service I won't pay
No cliche that I won't say
There's no rhyme that I won't lay on you

Still I'm no great Shakes at reading your mind
No great Shakes at standin' in line
Give me a sign, show me a clue
Tell me what it takes to get through to you


No great Shakes at reading your mind
No great Shakes at standin' in line
Give me a sign, show me a clue
Tell me what it takes
No great Shakes
At readin' your mind
No great Shakes
No great Shakes
Bidin' my time
Tell me what it takes
'Cause I'm no great Shakes

Mirror lyrics:

'Cause I'm no great Shakes
Tell me what it takes
Bidin' my time
No great Shakes
No great Shakes
At readin' your mind
No great Shakes
Tell me what it takes
Give me a sign, show me a clue
No great Shakes at standin' in line
No great Shakes at reading your mind


Tell me what it takes to get through to you
Give me a sign, show me a clue
No great Shakes at standin' in line
Still I'm no great Shakes at reading your mind

There's no rhyme that I won't lay on you
No cliche that I won't say
But there's no lip service I won't pay
The psychic hotline? Hell that's way too deep for me
The crystal ball ain't all it's cracked up to be

Tell me what it takes to get through to you
Show me a sign, give me a clue
No great Shakes at sayin' my lines
I'm no great Shakes at reading your mind

When it comes to love guess I just ain't got the word
Every song I sing is a song you've heard
You're a nightingale, I'm a mockingbird
You wouldn't think it would be so hard to do
My mind tumbles when I talk to you

Will you think I'm playin' dumb?
If I play it cool
Will I spoil the fun?
If I tag along
Will you run?
If I reach for you
Close but no cigar, it's still too far away
Why you let me get this close, I can't say
Title: No Great Shakes
Artist: Webb Wilder

Relevant Tags:
NNo GGreat SShakes o reat hakes oN rGeat hSakes mo hreat zhakes mNo hGreat zShakes Nmo Ghreat Szhakes ho yreat whakes
hNo yGreat wShakes Nho Gyreat Swhakes jo breat dhakes jNo bGreat dShakes Njo Gbreat Sdhakes bo vreat ehakes bNo vGreat eShakes
Nbo Gvreat Sehakes Noo freat xhakes N fGreat xShakes No Gfreat Sxhakes Nk treat ahakes Nko tGreat aShakes Nok Gtreat Sahakes
N9 Grreat Shhakes N9o Geat Sakes No9 Gerat Sahkes N0 Gdeat Sjakes N0o Gdreat Sjhakes No0 Grdeat Shjakes Nl G4eat Suakes
Nlo G4reat Suhakes Nol Gr4eat Shuakes Ni Ggeat Snakes Nio Ggreat Snhakes Noi Grgeat Shnakes Gteat Sbakes Sbhakes
Grteat Shbakes G5eat Sgakes G5reat Sghakes Gr5eat Shgakes Gfeat Syakes Syhakes Grfeat Shyakes
Geeat Shaakes Gereat Shkes Greeat Shkaes Shzkes Grat Shzakes Graet Shazkes Grsat Shqkes
Grseat Shqakes Gresat Shaqkes Gr3at Shskes Gr3eat Shsakes Gre3at Shaskes Grfat Shwkes Shwakes
Grefat Shawkes Grrat Shxkes Shxakes Grerat Shaxkes

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