Webb Wilder
Move On Down The Line

Artist: Webb Wilder
Title: Move on Down the Line
You can't be my lovin' baby
You ain't got the style
I'm a-gonna get some real gone lovin'
That'll drive a cool cat wild
I'm gonna move, move on down the line
I'm gonna get me a gal, then I go out on the town

I'm gonna get you so hot
Get a little bit of what you ain't got
She'll be sweet, she won't do me no wrong
She'll be cool and twiced as gone
We're gonna roll, move on down the line
I got to do it right, I got to do it right all the time

Well, I'm gonna move on down the line
Get this gal, I'm gonna make some time
Can't be fast, she can't be slow
And when she starts a-struttin you know we gotta go
We gonna roll, move on down the line
Yes I need love, I need love all the time, yeah!

I'm gonna get you so hot
I'm gonna get what you ain't got
She'll be sweet, she won't do me no wrong
She'll be cool and twiced as gone
We're gonna roll, move on down the line
I need love, I need love all the time

Well, I'm gonna move on down the line
I'm gonna get me to your 'partment gonna make a little time
I tell you, can't be square, she can't be slow
When she starts a struttin you know we gotta go
We gonna roll, move on down the line
Yes I need love, I need love all the time

Tell about it
Move on down the line
Move on down the line
Move on down the line
Move on down the line
Move on down the line
Move on down the line

I said move
Move on down the line
Well move on
Move on down the line
Well let's go
Move on down the line
Well move on
Move on down the line
Yeah do right, do right all the time

Mirror lyrics:

Yeah do right, do right all the time
Move on down the line
Well move on
Move on down the line
Well let's go
Move on down the line
Well move on
Move on down the line
I said move

Move on down the line
Move on down the line
Move on down the line
Move on down the line
Move on down the line
Move on down the line
Tell about it

Yes I need love, I need love all the time
We gonna roll, move on down the line
When she starts a struttin you know we gotta go
I tell you, can't be square, she can't be slow
I'm gonna get me to your 'partment gonna make a little time
Well, I'm gonna move on down the line

I need love, I need love all the time
We're gonna roll, move on down the line
She'll be cool and twiced as gone
She'll be sweet, she won't do me no wrong
I'm gonna get what you ain't got
I'm gonna get you so hot

Yes I need love, I need love all the time, yeah!
We gonna roll, move on down the line
And when she starts a-struttin you know we gotta go
Can't be fast, she can't be slow
Get this gal, I'm gonna make some time
Well, I'm gonna move on down the line

I got to do it right, I got to do it right all the time
We're gonna roll, move on down the line
She'll be cool and twiced as gone
She'll be sweet, she won't do me no wrong
Get a little bit of what you ain't got
I'm gonna get you so hot

I'm gonna get me a gal, then I go out on the town
I'm gonna move, move on down the line
That'll drive a cool cat wild
I'm a-gonna get some real gone lovin'
You ain't got the style
You can't be my lovin' baby
Title: Move on Down the Line
Artist: Webb Wilder

Relevant Tags:
MMove OOn DDown TThe LLine ove n own he ine oMve nO oDwn hTe iLne jove kn xown fhe kine jMove kOn xDown fThe kLine Mjove Okn Dxown Tfhe Lkine
kove 9n eown 5he oine kMove 9On eDown 5The oLine Mkove O9n Deown T5he Loine nove 0n fown hhe pine nMove 0On fDown hThe pLine Mnove O0n Dfown Thhe Lpine
Moove ln rown yhe Liine Mve lOn rDown yThe Lne Mvoe Oln Drown Tyhe Lnie Mkve in cown 6he Ljne iOn cDown 6The Ljine Mokve Oin Dcown T6he Lijne
M9ve Onn sown ghe L9ne M9ove O sDown gThe L9ine Mo9ve On Dsown Tghe Li9ne M0ve Om Doown rhe Llne M0ove Omn Dwn rThe Lline Mo0ve Onm Dwon Trhe Lilne
Mlve Oh Dkwn Lone Mlove Ohn Dkown Te Molve Onh Dokwn Teh Lione Mive Oj D9wn Tje Lkne Miove Ojn D9own Tjhe Moive Onj Do9wn Thje Likne
Movve Ob D0wn Tue L8ne Moe Obn D0own Tuhe L8ine Moev Onb Do0wn Thue Li8ne Mobe Dlwn Tne Lune Mobve Dlown Tnhe Luine Movbe Dolwn Thne Liune
Moce Diwn Tbe Linne Mocve Diown Tbhe Lie Movce Doiwn Thbe Lien

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