We Came As Romans
To Move On Is To Grow

I've been sleeping on stones...

My mistakes are easier made a second time.
And I can't move on since I've closed my eyes.
Since I've closed my eyes.
I've cut off myself from everybody else.

To move on is to grow,
Yet I haven't been able to accomplish either.
I know the way to go,
Yet I can't bring myself to move forward.

I've been sleeping on stones and they've formed to my spine.
My once straight back, now a crooked line.
I've broken no bones and I appear to be just fine.
My life's been emptied from the inside.

Every decision is easier made a second time.
Every decision is easier made a second time.
But once you start down one line.
The distance becomes greater to change your mind.
To change the way you're living your life.

To move on is to grow,
Yet we can barely accomplish either on our own.
We know the way to go,
Yet we follow those with their eyes closed.

I've been sleeping on stones...

We've been sleeping on stones and they've formed to our spines.
Our once straight backs now just crooked lines.
When we all wake up inside the beds in which we lie.
We will wish we had stopped the first time.

When we wake up to the lives that we've created.
We'll see we built nothing, but destroyed it.
So turn around and head back the way you came.

I'll follow you, encourage you
I'll follow you, encourage you
we'll be steadfast in our way.
And as we make it back to where our lives branched off.
We will take the path we should have taken all along.
Once you start down one line.

The distance becomes greater to change your mind.
To change the way you're living your life.

To move on is to grow.

Mirror lyrics:

To move on is to grow.

To change the way you're living your life.
The distance becomes greater to change your mind.

Once you start down one line.
We will take the path we should have taken all along.
And as we make it back to where our lives branched off.
we'll be steadfast in our way.
I'll follow you, encourage you
I'll follow you, encourage you

So turn around and head back the way you came.
We'll see we built nothing, but destroyed it.
When we wake up to the lives that we've created.

We will wish we had stopped the first time.
When we all wake up inside the beds in which we lie.
Our once straight backs now just crooked lines.
We've been sleeping on stones and they've formed to our spines.

I've been sleeping on stones...

Yet we follow those with their eyes closed.
We know the way to go,
Yet we can barely accomplish either on our own.
To move on is to grow,

To change the way you're living your life.
The distance becomes greater to change your mind.
But once you start down one line.
Every decision is easier made a second time.
Every decision is easier made a second time.

My life's been emptied from the inside.
I've broken no bones and I appear to be just fine.
My once straight back, now a crooked line.
I've been sleeping on stones and they've formed to my spine.

Yet I can't bring myself to move forward.
I know the way to go,
Yet I haven't been able to accomplish either.
To move on is to grow,

I've cut off myself from everybody else.
Since I've closed my eyes.
And I can't move on since I've closed my eyes.
My mistakes are easier made a second time.

I've been sleeping on stones...

Relevant Tags:
TTo MMove OOn IIs TTo GGrow o ove n s o row oT oMve nO sI oT rGow fo jove kn js fo hrow fTo jMove kOn jIs fTo hGrow Tfo Mjove Okn Ijs Tfo Ghrow
5o kove 9n 9s 5o yrow 5To kMove 9On 9Is 5To yGrow T5o Mkove O9n I9s T5o Gyrow ho nove 0n ls ho brow hTo nMove 0On lIs hTo bGrow Tho Mnove O0n Ils Tho Gbrow
yo Moove ln os yo vrow yTo Mve lOn oIs yTo vGrow Tyo Mvoe Oln Ios Tyo Gvrow 6o Mkve in ks 6o frow 6To iOn kIs 6To fGrow T6o Mokve Oin Iks T6o Gfrow
go M9ve Onn 8s go trow gTo M9ove O 8Is gTo tGrow Tgo Mo9ve On I8s Tgo Gtrow ro M0ve Om us ro Grrow rTo M0ove Omn uIs rTo Gow Tro Mo0ve Onm Ius Tro Gorw
Too Mlve Oh Iss Too Gdow T Mlove Ohn I T Gdrow To Molve Onh Is To Grdow Tk Mive Oj Iz Tk G4ow Tko Miove Ojn Izs Tko G4row Tok Moive Onj Isz Tok Gr4ow
T9 Movve Ob Iw T9 Ggow T9o Moe Obn Iws T9o Ggrow To9 Moev Onb Isw To9 Grgow T0 Mobe Id T0 Gtow T0o Mobve Ids T0o To0 Movbe Isd To0 Grtow
Tl Moce Ie Tl G5ow Tlo Mocve Ies Tlo G5row Tol Movce Ise Tol Gr5ow Ti Moge Ix Ti Gfow Tio Mogve Ixs Tio Toi Movge Isx Toi Grfow
Mofe Ia Geow

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