All In Your Head

Waking up at two a.m.,
I find myself alone again
And your, on my mind
And the voices coming from the TV
Playing these games, I can't believe
That your not coming back,

Cause I could tell you why the stars don't shine.
And if there is a reason you left,
Then its all in your head.
And I, I'm not gonna sleep a wink tonight
Not gonna sleep tonight.

Tell me are you happy now?
Call me when you come into you senses
Oh yeah
Cause Novembers never felt this cold
December really hit me oh.
I need you so bad.

Cause I could tell you why the stars don't shine.
And if there is a reason you left,
Then its all in your head.
And I, I'm not gonna sleep a wink tonight
I'm not gonna sleep tonight.


Cause I could tell you why the stars don't shine.
And if there is a reason you left,
Then its all in your head.
And I, I'm not gonna sleep a wink tonight
I'm not gonna sleep tonight.

Oh, I could tell you why the stars don't shine.
And if there is a reason you left,
Then its all in your head.
And I, I'm not gonna sleep a wink tonight
I'm not gonna sleep tonight.
Tonight. I'm not gonna sleep tonight.

Mirror lyrics:

Tonight. I'm not gonna sleep tonight.
I'm not gonna sleep tonight.
And I, I'm not gonna sleep a wink tonight
Then its all in your head.
And if there is a reason you left,
Oh, I could tell you why the stars don't shine.

I'm not gonna sleep tonight.
And I, I'm not gonna sleep a wink tonight
Then its all in your head.
And if there is a reason you left,
Cause I could tell you why the stars don't shine.


I'm not gonna sleep tonight.
And I, I'm not gonna sleep a wink tonight
Then its all in your head.
And if there is a reason you left,
Cause I could tell you why the stars don't shine.

I need you so bad.
December really hit me oh.
Cause Novembers never felt this cold
Oh yeah
Call me when you come into you senses
Tell me are you happy now?

Not gonna sleep tonight.
And I, I'm not gonna sleep a wink tonight
Then its all in your head.
And if there is a reason you left,
Cause I could tell you why the stars don't shine.

That your not coming back,
Playing these games, I can't believe
And the voices coming from the TV
And your, on my mind
I find myself alone again
Waking up at two a.m.,

Relevant Tags:
AAll IIn YYour HHead ll n our ead lAl nI oYur eHad zll jn gour jead zAll jIn gYour jHead Azll Ijn Ygour Hjead qll 9n hour uead
qAll 9In hYour uHead Aqll I9n Yhour Huead sll ln 6our nead sAll lIn 6Your nHead Asll Iln Y6our Hnead wll on uour bead wAll oIn uYour bHead
Awll Ion Yuour Hbead xll kn 7our gead xAll kIn 7Your gHead Axll Ikn Y7our Hgead Alll 8n jour yead Al 8In jYour yHead All I8n Yjour Hyead
Akl un tour Heead Akll uIn tYour Had Alkl Iun Ytour Haed Aol Inn Yoour Hsad Aoll I Yur Hsead Alol In Yuor Hesad Apl Im Ykur H3ad
Apll Imn Ykour H3ead Alpl Inm Yokur He3ad Ih Y9ur Hfad Ihn Y9our Hfead Inh Yo9ur Hefad Alk Ij Y0ur Hrad Y0our Hread
Allk Inj Yo0ur Herad Alo Ib Ylur H4ad Ibn Ylour H4ead Allo Inb Yolur He4ad Alp Yiur Hdad Yiour Hdead Allp Yoiur Hedad
Youur Hwad Yor Hwead

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