We Are The Fury
Don't Need A Thing

Outside of a level head
With the glasses drying at the edge of my bed.
I just need some time alone for a while.
Locked up in an empty tomb
With your photographs spread on the floor of my room.
Reminding me I once knew how to smile.

All I need is, all I really need is
All that I need is air.
All that I need is, all I really need is
Everything but you're not there.

So I don't need a thing to remind me.
No I don't need a thing to remind me.
No I don't need a thing to make the world think
That I don't need a thing at all.

She left with a broken stare
And her perfume stale still in my hair.
It's like a movie pressing rewind.
Sometimes I would like to go back
But I find it so hard to try and breath the past
Cause I know that we are way past our prime.

All I need is, all I really need is
All that I need is air.
All that I need is, all I really need is
Everything but you're not there.

No I don't need a thing to remind me.
No I don't need a thing to remind me.
No I don't need a thing to make the world think
That I don't need a thing at all.

Bruised myself but my skin isn't scuffed
But I tricked myself.
I'm a soldier.
My eyes see light but the bunkers too rough
To crawl back to love and out of this hole.

No I don't need a thing to remind me.
No I don't need a thing
No I don't need a thing to make the world think
No I don't need a thing at
No I don't need a thing at
No I don't need a thing at all.

Mirror lyrics:

No I don't need a thing at all.
No I don't need a thing at
No I don't need a thing at
No I don't need a thing to make the world think
No I don't need a thing
No I don't need a thing to remind me.

To crawl back to love and out of this hole.
My eyes see light but the bunkers too rough
I'm a soldier.
But I tricked myself.
Bruised myself but my skin isn't scuffed

That I don't need a thing at all.
No I don't need a thing to make the world think
No I don't need a thing to remind me.
No I don't need a thing to remind me.

Everything but you're not there.
All that I need is, all I really need is
All that I need is air.
All I need is, all I really need is

Cause I know that we are way past our prime.
But I find it so hard to try and breath the past
Sometimes I would like to go back
It's like a movie pressing rewind.
And her perfume stale still in my hair.
She left with a broken stare

That I don't need a thing at all.
No I don't need a thing to make the world think
No I don't need a thing to remind me.
So I don't need a thing to remind me.

Everything but you're not there.
All that I need is, all I really need is
All that I need is air.
All I need is, all I really need is

Reminding me I once knew how to smile.
With your photographs spread on the floor of my room.
Locked up in an empty tomb
I just need some time alone for a while.
With the glasses drying at the edge of my bed.
Outside of a level head

Relevant Tags:
DDon't NNeed AA TThing on't eed hing oDn't eNed A hTing xon't meed z fhing xDon't mNeed zA fThing Dxon't Nmeed Az Tfhing
eon't heed q 5hing eDon't hNeed qA 5Thing Deon't Nheed Aq T5hing fon't jeed s hhing fDon't jNeed sA hThing Dfon't Njeed As Thhing
ron't beed w yhing rDon't bNeed wA yThing Dron't Nbeed Aw Tyhing con't Neeed x 6hing cDon't Ned xA 6Thing Dcon't Need Ax T6hing
son't Nsed ghing sDon't Nseed gThing Dson't Nesed Tghing Doon't N3ed rhing Dn't N3eed rThing Dno't Ne3ed Trhing
Dkn't Nfed Dkon't Nfeed Ting Dokn't Nefed Tihng D9n't Nred Tjing D9on't Nreed Tjhing Do9n't Nered Thjing
D0n't N4ed Tuing D0on't N4eed Tuhing Do0n't Ne4ed Thuing Dln't Nded Tning Dlon't Ndeed Tnhing Doln't Neded Thning
Din't Nwed Tbing Dion't Nweed Tbhing Doin't Newed Thbing Donn't Tging Do't Do'nt Nede Thging
Dom't Nesd Tying Domn't Donm't Neesd Thying Doh't Ne3d Thiing Dohn't Thng Donh't Nee3d Thnig
Doj't Nefd Thjng

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