
I want to call requests through heating-vents, and hear them
answered with a whisper, "No." To crack the code of muscle,
slacken, tense. Let every second step in boots on snow
complete your name with accents I can't place, that stumble
where the syllables combine. Take depositions from a
stranger's face. Paint every insignificance a sign. So tell me
nothing matters, less or more. Say, "Whatever we think
actions are, we'll never know what anything was for." If "Near
is just as far away as far," and I'm permitted one act I can
save, I choose to sit here next to you and wave.

Mirror lyrics:

save, I choose to sit here next to you and wave.
is just as far away as far," and I'm permitted one act I can
actions are, we'll never know what anything was for." If "Near
nothing matters, less or more. Say, "Whatever we think
stranger's face. Paint every insignificance a sign. So tell me
where the syllables combine. Take depositions from a
complete your name with accents I can't place, that stumble
slacken, tense. Let every second step in boots on snow
answered with a whisper, "No." To crack the code of muscle,
I want to call requests through heating-vents, and hear them

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