We Were Promised Jetpacks
It's Thunder And It's Lightning

Right foot followed by your left foot
We'll guide you home before your curfew
And into your bed
Standing on our tip-toes
Peering through open windows
I swear I heard my name

Sit tight with the lights off
Waiting for my brain to start
Trying to work things out
It's thunder and it's lightning
And it's all things too frightening
I could barely see outside

Your body was black and blue
It struck twice there's nothing new

Your body was black and blue

And it's thunder
And it's lightning
Coming home

And it's thunder
And it's lightning
Coming back

Your body was black and blue
Your body was black and blue
And your body...

I have to say goodnight
I'm leaving before your punching out my lights

I'm leaving.

Mirror lyrics:

I'm leaving.

I'm leaving before your punching out my lights
I have to say goodnight

And your body...
Your body was black and blue
Your body was black and blue

Coming back
And it's lightning
And it's thunder

Coming home
And it's lightning
And it's thunder

Your body was black and blue

It struck twice there's nothing new
Your body was black and blue

I could barely see outside
And it's all things too frightening
It's thunder and it's lightning
Trying to work things out
Waiting for my brain to start
Sit tight with the lights off

I swear I heard my name
Peering through open windows
Standing on our tip-toes
And into your bed
We'll guide you home before your curfew
Right foot followed by your left foot

Relevant Tags:
IIt's TThunder AAnd IIt's LLightning t's hunder nd t's ightning tI's hTunder nAd tI's iLghtning jt's fhunder znd jt's kightning jIt's fThunder zAnd jIt's kLightning
Ijt's Tfhunder Aznd Ijt's Lkightning 9t's 5hunder qnd 9t's oightning 9It's 5Thunder qAnd 9It's oLightning I9t's T5hunder Aqnd I9t's Loightning lt's hhunder snd lt's pightning
lIt's hThunder sAnd lIt's pLightning Ilt's Thhunder Asnd Ilt's Lpightning ot's yhunder wnd ot's Liightning oIt's yThunder wAnd oIt's Lghtning Iot's Tyhunder Awnd Iot's Lgihtning
kt's 6hunder xnd kt's Ljghtning kIt's 6Thunder xAnd kIt's Ljightning Ikt's T6hunder Axnd Ikt's Lijghtning 8t's ghunder Annd 8t's L9ghtning 8It's gThunder Ad 8It's L9ightning
I8t's Tghunder Adn I8t's Li9ghtning ut's rhunder Amd ut's Llghtning uIt's rThunder Amnd uIt's Llightning Iut's Trhunder Anmd Iut's Lilghtning Itt's Ahd Itt's Loghtning
I's Tunder Ahnd I's I'ts Tuhnder Anhd I'ts Lioghtning If's Tjunder Ajd If's Lkghtning Ift's Tjhunder Ajnd Ift's Itf's Thjunder Anjd Itf's Likghtning
I5's Tuunder Abd I5's L8ghtning I5t's Tuhunder Abnd I5t's L8ightning It5's Thuunder Anbd It5's Li8ghtning Ih's Tnunder Andd Ih's Lughtning Iht's Tnhunder An Iht's Luightning
Ith's Thnunder And Ith's Liughtning Iy's Tbunder Anx Iy's Ligghtning Iyt's Tbhunder Anxd Iyt's Lihtning Ity's Thbunder Andx Ity's Lihgtning I6's Tgunder Ane I6's Lihhtning
I6t's Aned I6t's Lihghtning It6's Thgunder Ande It6's Lighhtning Ig's Tyunder Anf Ig's Liyhtning Igt's Anfd Igt's Liyghtning Itg's Thyunder Andf Itg's Ligyhtning
Ir's Anr Ir's Libhtning Irt's Thnder Anrd Irt's Libghtning Itr's Thnuder Andr Itr's Ligbhtning It''s Thhnder Anc It''s Livhtning Its Ancd Its Livghtning
Its' Thuhnder Andc Its' Ligvhtning It'ss Th7nder Ans It'ss Lifhtning It' Th7under Ansd It' Lifghtning It's Thu7nder Ands It's Ligfhtning It'z Thknder It'z Lithtning
It'zs Thkunder It'zs Litghtning It'sz Thuknder It'sz Ligthtning It'w Thinder It'w It'ws Thiunder It'ws Ligtning It'sw Thuinder It'sw Ligthning
It'd Th8nder It'd Ligjtning It'ds Th8under It'ds Ligjhtning It'sd Thu8nder It'sd Lighjtning It'e Thjnder It'e Ligutning It'es It'es Liguhtning
It'se Thujnder It'se Lighutning It'x Thynder It'x Ligntning It'xs It'xs Lignhtning It'sx Thuynder It'sx Lighntning It'a Thunnder It'a Ligbtning
It'as Thuder It'as It'sa Thudner It'sa Lighbtning Thumder Liggtning Thumnder Thunmder Lighgtning
Thuhder Ligytning Thunhder Lighytning Thujder Lighttning Lighning Thunjder Lighnting
Thubder Lighfning

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