Whitney Houston
All The Man That I Need

I used to cry myself to sleep at night
But that was all before he came
I thought love had to hurt, to turn out right
But now he's here
It's not the same, it's not the same

He fills me up
He gives me love
More love than I've ever seen
He's all I've got
He's all I've got in this world
But he's all the man that I need

And in the morning when I kiss his eyes
He takes me down
He rocks me slow
And in the evening when the moon is high
He holds me close
And won't let go, he won't let go


Mirror lyrics:


And won't let go, he won't let go
He holds me close
And in the evening when the moon is high
He rocks me slow
He takes me down
And in the morning when I kiss his eyes

But he's all the man that I need
He's all I've got in this world
He's all I've got
More love than I've ever seen
He gives me love
He fills me up

It's not the same, it's not the same
But now he's here
I thought love had to hurt, to turn out right
But that was all before he came
I used to cry myself to sleep at night

Relevant Tags:
AAll TThe MMan TThat II NNeed ll he an hat eed lAl hTe aMn hTat I eNed zll fhe jan fhat j meed zAll fThe jMan fThat jI mNeed Azll Tfhe Mjan Tfhat Ij Nmeed
qll 5he kan 5hat 9 heed qAll 5The kMan 5That 9I hNeed Aqll T5he Mkan T5hat I9 Nheed sll hhe nan hhat l jeed sAll hThe nMan hThat lI jNeed Asll Thhe Mnan Thhat Il Njeed
wll yhe Maan yhat o beed wAll yThe Mn yThat oI bNeed Awll Tyhe Mna Tyhat Io Nbeed xll 6he Mzn 6hat k Neeed xAll 6The Mzan 6That kI Ned Axll T6he Mazn T6hat Ik Need
Alll ghe Mqn ghat 8 Nsed Al gThe Mqan gThat 8I Nseed All Tghe Maqn Tghat I8 Nesed Akl rhe Msn rhat u N3ed Akll rThe Msan rThat uI N3eed Alkl Trhe Masn Trhat Iu Ne3ed
Aol Mwn Nfed Aoll Te Mwan Tat Nfeed Alol Teh Mawn Taht Nefed Apl Tje Mxn Tjat Nred Apll Tjhe Mxan Tjhat Nreed Alpl Thje Maxn Thjat Nered
Tue Mann Tuat N4ed Tuhe Ma Tuhat N4eed Thue Man Thuat Ne4ed Alk Tne Mam Tnat Nded Tnhe Mamn Tnhat Ndeed Allk Thne Manm Thnat Neded
Alo Tbe Mah Tbat Nwed Tbhe Mahn Tbhat Nweed Allo Thbe Manh Thbat Newed Alp Tge Maj Tgat Majn Allp Thge Manj Thgat Nede

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