Whitney Duncan
Come With Me

Where the hard rain shatters like glass on an old tin roof
Where the screen door's slappin' in the wind, hinge comin' loose
And the moon rises up through the willow trees
Come with me back to Tennessee

Where the sirens don't scream out through the evil dark
And the city lights don't invade your sleepless heart
You can lie in my arms in a peaceful dream
Come with me back to Tennessee

Morning light, I gotta leave
But without you, it won't be complete
When we cross that Mississippi, we'll be home free
Come with me back to Tennessee

Where the blue skies sing the song of a brand new day
We can hide a blanket deep where the tall grass sways
You can lay me down like a southern breeze
Oh come with me back to Tennessee

Morning light, I gotta leave
But without you, it won't be complete
When we cross that Mississippi, we'll be home free
Come with me back to Tennessee

Come with me back to Tennessee

Mirror lyrics:

Come with me back to Tennessee

Come with me back to Tennessee
When we cross that Mississippi, we'll be home free
But without you, it won't be complete
Morning light, I gotta leave

Oh come with me back to Tennessee
You can lay me down like a southern breeze
We can hide a blanket deep where the tall grass sways
Where the blue skies sing the song of a brand new day

Come with me back to Tennessee
When we cross that Mississippi, we'll be home free
But without you, it won't be complete
Morning light, I gotta leave

Come with me back to Tennessee
You can lie in my arms in a peaceful dream
And the city lights don't invade your sleepless heart
Where the sirens don't scream out through the evil dark

Come with me back to Tennessee
And the moon rises up through the willow trees
Where the screen door's slappin' in the wind, hinge comin' loose
Where the hard rain shatters like glass on an old tin roof

Relevant Tags:
CCome WWith MMe ome ith e oCme iWth eM fome aith je fCome aWith jMe Cfome Waith Mje xome 3ith ke xCome 3With kMe Cxome W3ith Mke
vome dith ne vCome dWith nMe Cvome Wdith Mne dome eith Mee dCome eWith M Cdome Weith Me Coome sith Ms Cme sWith Mse Cmoe Wsith Mes
Ckme 2ith M3 Ckome 2With M3e Cokme W2ith Me3 C9me qith Mf C9ome qWith Mfe Co9me Wqith Mef C0me Wiith Mr C0ome Wth Mre Co0me Wtih Mer
Clme Wjth M4 Clome Wjith M4e Colme Wijth Me4 Cime W9th Md Ciome W9ith Mde Coime Wi9th Med Comme Wlth Mw Coe Wlith Mwe Coem Wilth Mew
Coje Woth Cojme Woith Comje Wioth Coke Wkth Wkith Comke Wikth Cone W8th Conme W8ith Comne Wi8th

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