Thankyou (for Loving Me At My Worst)

I shouldn't have driven
You shouldn't have driven
But we got there
Had a good time
So we left the car
And the cabby was from a warzone
We were glad he was driving us home
I was gladder of some movement
You took it on, you took it on board

I said "Thank you, thank you, for loving me at my worst"
If this isn't love, it's very close
Can you hear the world is waking up?
Can we be crazy for a few more years?
Have I got them in me?

Bought myself one of them keyboard axes
Wanted to get out and dance away from the piano
That could have been the beginning of the end
If I wasn't already in the middle
The crowd was confused
And then they cheered
My career it was back on track
I was relieved
Full of love for the people

I said "Thank you, each and every one of you, For loving me at my worst"
If this isn't love, it's very close
Can you hear the world is waking up?
Can we be crazy for a few more years?
Have I got them in me?

All you bright middle-aged things
Attending your sons and daughters
Spare a thought for me out here with the kids
To hell with your bricks and mortar

It's you and me and the Holy Ghost
On the road to dawn heading down the coast
We're better sorry than safe
When you count the cost
Mmm sorry than safe when you count the cost

There's a bar out East, it's called Serum
Only red wine and the finest of cigars
And if we leave now we'll still get in
You can find yourself a young consort
Writers of unpopular fiction are trying to drink more
Than bikies who've all left their beards at the door
You'll drink all the wine and smoke your cigar

And say "Thank you, thank you, for loving me at my worst"
If this isn't love it's very close
Can you hear the world is waking up?
Can we be crazy for a few more years?
Have I got them in me?

Mirror lyrics:

Have I got them in me?
Can we be crazy for a few more years?
Can you hear the world is waking up?
If this isn't love it's very close
And say "Thank you, thank you, for loving me at my worst"

You'll drink all the wine and smoke your cigar
Than bikies who've all left their beards at the door
Writers of unpopular fiction are trying to drink more
You can find yourself a young consort
And if we leave now we'll still get in
Only red wine and the finest of cigars
There's a bar out East, it's called Serum

Mmm sorry than safe when you count the cost
When you count the cost
We're better sorry than safe
On the road to dawn heading down the coast
It's you and me and the Holy Ghost

To hell with your bricks and mortar
Spare a thought for me out here with the kids
Attending your sons and daughters
All you bright middle-aged things

Have I got them in me?
Can we be crazy for a few more years?
Can you hear the world is waking up?
If this isn't love, it's very close
I said "Thank you, each and every one of you, For loving me at my worst"

Full of love for the people
I was relieved
My career it was back on track
And then they cheered
The crowd was confused
If I wasn't already in the middle
That could have been the beginning of the end
Wanted to get out and dance away from the piano
Bought myself one of them keyboard axes

Have I got them in me?
Can we be crazy for a few more years?
Can you hear the world is waking up?
If this isn't love, it's very close
I said "Thank you, thank you, for loving me at my worst"

You took it on, you took it on board
I was gladder of some movement
We were glad he was driving us home
And the cabby was from a warzone
So we left the car
Had a good time
But we got there
You shouldn't have driven
I shouldn't have driven

Relevant Tags:
TThankyou ((for LLoving MMe AAt MMy WWorst) hankyou for oving e t y orst) hTankyou f(or oLving eM tA yM oWrst) fhankyou (ffor koving je zt jy aorst)
fThankyou (or kLoving jMe zAt jMy aWorst) Tfhankyou (ofr Lkoving Mje Azt Mjy Waorst) 5hankyou (cor ooving ke qt ky 3orst) 5Thankyou (cfor oLoving kMe qAt kMy 3Worst)
T5hankyou (fcor Looving Mke Aqt Mky W3orst) hhankyou (ror poving ne st ny dorst) hThankyou (rfor pLoving nMe sAt nMy dWorst) Thhankyou (fror Lpoving Mne Ast Mny Wdorst)
yhankyou (gor Mee wt Myy eorst) yThankyou (gfor Lving M wAt M eWorst) Tyhankyou (fgor Lvoing Me Awt My Weorst) 6hankyou (tor Lkving Ms xt Mg sorst)
6Thankyou (tfor Mse xAt Mgy sWorst) T6hankyou (ftor Lokving Mes Axt Myg Wsorst) ghankyou (vor L9ving M3 Att Mh 2orst) gThankyou (vfor L9oving M3e A Mhy 2Worst)
Tghankyou (fvor Lo9ving Me3 At Myh W2orst) rhankyou (dor L0ving Mf Af M6 qorst) rThankyou (dfor L0oving Mfe Aft M6y qWorst) Trhankyou (fdor Lo0ving Mef Atf My6 Wqorst)
(foor Llving Mr A5 Mu Woorst) Tankyou (fr Lloving Mre A5t Muy Wrst) Tahnkyou (fro Lolving Mer At5 Myu Wrost) Tjankyou (fkr Living M4 Ah M7 Wkrst)
Tjhankyou (fkor Lioving M4e Aht M7y Wkorst) Thjankyou (fokr Loiving Me4 Ath My7 Wokrst) Tuankyou (f9r Lovving Md Ay Mj W9rst) Tuhankyou (f9or Loing Mde Ayt W9orst)
Thuankyou (fo9r Loivng Med Aty Myj Wo9rst) Tnankyou (f0r Lobing Mw A6 Mt W0rst) Tnhankyou (f0or Lobving Mwe A6t Mty W0orst) Thnankyou (fo0r Lovbing Mew At6 Myt Wo0rst)
Tbankyou (flr Locing Ag Wlrst) Tbhankyou (flor Locving Agt Wlorst) Thbankyou (folr Lovcing Atg Wolrst) Tgankyou (fir Loging Ar Wirst)
(fior Logving Art Wiorst) Thgankyou (foir Lovging Atr Woirst) Tyankyou (forr Lofing Worrst) (fo Lofving Wost)
Thyankyou (for Lovfing Wosrt) Thaankyou (fod Loviing Wodst) Thnkyou (fodr Lovng Wodrst) Thnakyou (ford Lovnig Wordst)
Thznkyou (fo4 Lovjng Wo4st) Thzankyou (fo4r Lovjing Wo4rst) Thaznkyou (for4 Lovijng Wor4st) Thqnkyou (fog Lov9ng Wogst)
Thqankyou (fogr Lov9ing Wogrst) Thaqnkyou (forg Lovi9ng Worgst) Thsnkyou (fot Lovlng Wotst) Thsankyou (fotr Lovling Wotrst)
Thasnkyou (fort Lovilng Wortst) Thwnkyou (fo5 Lovong Wo5st) Thwankyou (fo5r Lovoing Wo5rst) Thawnkyou (for5 Loviong Wor5st)
Thxnkyou (fof Lovkng Wofst) Thxankyou (fofr Lovking Wofrst) Thaxnkyou (forf Lovikng Worfst) Thannkyou (foe Lov8ng Woest)
Thakyou (foer Lov8ing Woerst) Thaknyou (fore Lovi8ng Worest) Thamkyou Lovung Worsst) Thamnkyou Lovuing Wort)
Thanmkyou Loviung Worts) Thahkyou Lovinng Worzt) Thahnkyou Lovig Worzst) Thanhkyou Lovign Worszt)
Thajkyou Lovimg Worwt) Thajnkyou Lovimng Worwst) Thanjkyou Lovinmg Worswt) Thabkyou Lovihg Wordt)
Thabnkyou Lovihng

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