White Town

You didn't notice I existed that night
I jumped and I waved
Even shouted your name that night

But it's all the same
You'll never see me again
All I wanted
You see my face
But it's all the same
I'll never see you again
All I wanted

You're so pretty
You turn me inside out
And I only say this
Because I know I'm not

But it's all the same
You'll never see me again
All I wanted
You see my face
But it's all the same
I'll never see you again
All I wanted

And now I'm standing
And you've left me with what?
And now you thank me
For what you've got

But it's all the same
You'll never see me again
All I wanted
You see my face
But it's all the same
I'll never see you again
All I wanted

Mirror lyrics:

All I wanted
I'll never see you again
But it's all the same
You see my face
All I wanted
You'll never see me again
But it's all the same

For what you've got
And now you thank me
And you've left me with what?
And now I'm standing

All I wanted
I'll never see you again
But it's all the same
You see my face
All I wanted
You'll never see me again
But it's all the same

Because I know I'm not
And I only say this
You turn me inside out
You're so pretty

All I wanted
I'll never see you again
But it's all the same
You see my face
All I wanted
You'll never see me again
But it's all the same

Even shouted your name that night
I jumped and I waved
You didn't notice I existed that night

Relevant Tags:
WWanted anted aWnted aanted aWanted Waanted 3anted 3Wanted W3anted danted dWanted
Wdanted eanted eWanted Weanted santed sWanted Wsanted 2anted 2Wanted W2anted qanted
qWanted Wqanted Wnted Wnated Wznted Wzanted Waznted Wqnted Waqnted Wsnted Wasnted
Wwnted Wwanted Wawnted Wxnted Wxanted Waxnted Wannted Wated Watned Wamted Wamnted
Wanmted Wahted Wahnted Wanhted Wajted Wajnted Wanjted Wabted Wabnted Wanbted Wantted

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