White Town
The Shape Of Love

Here's the best I can do
So far away from you
As the ocean holds the sky
So I try to hold your eyes

And I know the world is turning
I know it's yesterday for you
But the shape we're giving love
Could never be untrue

Choose the way you want to be
That doesn't mean him or me
Love is so much more than flesh
How to hurt and how to kiss

And I know the world is turning
I know it's yesterday for you
But the shape we're giving love
Could never be untrue

I wish I'd known you when
I could have made a change
I would have been a friend
I would have given you anything

As you touch near your heart
Are we really far apart?
Yes I know distance kills
But it can't fight love's will

And I know the world is turning
I know it's yesterday for you
But the shape we're giving love
Could never be untrue

And we know the world is turning
We know that yesterday is due
But this shape we're giving love
Can never be untrue
This shape can never be untrue
This shape can never be untrue

Mirror lyrics:

This shape can never be untrue
This shape can never be untrue
Can never be untrue
But this shape we're giving love
We know that yesterday is due
And we know the world is turning

Could never be untrue
But the shape we're giving love
I know it's yesterday for you
And I know the world is turning

But it can't fight love's will
Yes I know distance kills
Are we really far apart?
As you touch near your heart

I would have given you anything
I would have been a friend
I could have made a change
I wish I'd known you when

Could never be untrue
But the shape we're giving love
I know it's yesterday for you
And I know the world is turning

How to hurt and how to kiss
Love is so much more than flesh
That doesn't mean him or me
Choose the way you want to be

Could never be untrue
But the shape we're giving love
I know it's yesterday for you
And I know the world is turning

So I try to hold your eyes
As the ocean holds the sky
So far away from you
Here's the best I can do

Relevant Tags:
TThe SShape OOf LLove he hape f ove hTe hSape fO oLve fhe zhape kf kove fThe zShape kOf kLove Tfhe Szhape Okf Lkove
5he whape 9f oove 5The wShape 9Of oLove T5he Swhape O9f Loove hhe dhape 0f pove hThe dShape 0Of pLove Thhe Sdhape O0f Lpove
yhe ehape lf yThe eShape lOf Lve Tyhe Sehape Olf Lvoe 6he xhape if Lkve 6The xShape iOf T6he Sxhape Oif Lokve
ghe ahape Off L9ve gThe aShape O L9ove Tghe Sahape Of Lo9ve rhe Shhape Oc L0ve rThe Sape Ocf L0ove Trhe Sahpe Ofc Lo0ve
Sjape Or Llve Te Sjhape Orf Llove Teh Shjape Ofr Lolve Tje Suape Og Live Tjhe Suhape Ogf Liove Thje Shuape Ofg Loive
Tue Snape Ot Lovve Tuhe Snhape Otf Loe Thue Shnape Oft Loev Tne Sbape Ov Lobe Tnhe Sbhape Ovf Lobve Thne Shbape Ofv Lovbe
Tbe Sgape Od Loce Tbhe Sghape Odf Locve Thbe Shgape Ofd Lovce Tge Syape Loge Syhape Logve Thge Shyape Lovge
Tye Shaape Lofe Shpe Lofve Thye Shpae Lovfe Thee Shzpe Lovee Th Shzape Lov The Shazpe Love

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