White Town
Thursday At The Blue Note

Well I don't think that I know you
I've never seen you here
Before, although I could be wrong
And though this music doesn't move me
Thrill, or even soothe me
I think I might dance to just this one song

Is that your brother dancing with you?
He's giving me some funny looks
I thought you said you were on your own
Look, I know I'm no oil painting
But my face doesn't need rearranging
And I'm quite attached to all my bones

This isn't the way things were meant to be
Now he's waiting outside with his mates for me
"Thursday at the Blue Note"

Mirror lyrics:

"Thursday at the Blue Note"
Now he's waiting outside with his mates for me
This isn't the way things were meant to be

And I'm quite attached to all my bones
But my face doesn't need rearranging
Look, I know I'm no oil painting
I thought you said you were on your own
He's giving me some funny looks
Is that your brother dancing with you?

I think I might dance to just this one song
Thrill, or even soothe me
And though this music doesn't move me
Before, although I could be wrong
I've never seen you here
Well I don't think that I know you

Relevant Tags:
TThursday AAt TThe BBlue NNote hursday t he lue ote hTursday tA hTe lBue oNte fhursday zt fhe vlue mote fThursday zAt fThe vBlue mNote
Tfhursday Azt Tfhe Bvlue Nmote 5hursday qt 5he glue hote 5Thursday qAt 5The gBlue hNote T5hursday Aqt T5he Bglue Nhote hhursday st hhe nlue jote
hThursday sAt hThe nBlue jNote Thhursday Ast Thhe Bnlue Njote yhursday wt yhe hlue bote yThursday wAt yThe hBlue bNote Tyhursday Awt Tyhe Bhlue Nbote
6hursday xt 6he Bllue Noote 6Thursday xAt 6The Bue Nte T6hursday Axt T6he Bule Ntoe ghursday Att ghe Bkue Nkte gThursday A gThe Bklue Nkote
Tghursday At Tghe Blkue Nokte rhursday Af rhe Boue N9te rThursday Aft rThe Bolue N9ote Trhursday Atf Trhe Bloue No9te A5 Bpue N0te
Tursday A5t Te Bplue N0ote Tuhrsday At5 Teh Blpue No0te Tjursday Ah Tje Bluue Nlte Tjhursday Aht Tjhe Ble Nlote Thjursday Ath Thje Bleu Nolte
Tuursday Ay Tue Blhe Nite Tuhursday Ayt Tuhe Blhue Niote Thuursday Aty Thue Bluhe Noite Tnursday A6 Tne Bl7e Notte Tnhursday A6t Tnhe Bl7ue Noe
Thnursday At6 Thne Blu7e Noet Tbursday Ag Tbe Blke Nofe Tbhursday Agt Tbhe Nofte Thbursday Atg Thbe Bluke Notfe Tgursday Ar Tge Blie No5e
Art Bliue No5te Thgursday Atr Thge Bluie Not5e Tyursday Tye Bl8e Nohe Bl8ue Nohte Thyursday Thye Blu8e Nothe
Thee Blje Noye Thrsday Th Bljue Noyte Thrusday The Bluje Notye Thhrsday Ths Blye No6e Thse Blyue No6te
Thuhrsday Thes Bluye Not6e Th7rsday Th3 Bluee Noge Th7ursday Th3e Blu Nogte Thu7rsday The3 Blue Notge Thkrsday Thf Blus Nore
Thkursday Thfe Bluse Norte Thukrsday Thef Blues Notre Thirsday Thr Blu3 Notee Thiursday Thre Blu3e Not Thuirsday Ther Blue3 Note
Th8rsday Th4 Bluf Nots Th8ursday Th4e Blufe Notse Thu8rsday The4 Bluef Notes Thjrsday Thd Blur Not3 Thde Blure Not3e
Thujrsday Thed Bluer Note3 Thyrsday Thw Blu4 Notf Thwe Blu4e Thuyrsday Thew Blue4 Notef Thurrsday Blud Notr
Thusday Blude Thusrday Blued Noter Thudsday Bluw Not4 Thudrsday Bluwe Not4e Thurdsday Bluew Note4
Thu4sday Notd Thu4rsday Notde Thur4sday Noted Thugsday Notw Thugrsday Notwe
Thurgsday Notew

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