Waylon Jennings
Shutting Out The Light

(W. Starr)

I left the light in my window
Burning bright for you
And the door to this heart of mine
I left that open too.

We once had a love together
I believe that it was true
But now you search for somethin' better
So I'm shutting out the light on you.

Yes, I'm shutting out the light in my window
Locking up the heart that beats for you
This heart of mine can't take it any longer
So I'm shutting out the light on you.

--- Instrumental ---

I still recall when you told me
But I've made your every dream come true
But we now are dreaming of another
But baby, are you only foolin' you?

If I had a chance I'd wait forever
There's no use pursuing what's not true
This heart of mine can't take it any longer
So I'm shutting out the light on you.

Yes, I'm shutting out the light in my window
Locking up the heart that beats for you
This heart of mine can't take it any longer
So I'm shutting out the light on you...

Mirror lyrics:

So I'm shutting out the light on you...
This heart of mine can't take it any longer
Locking up the heart that beats for you
Yes, I'm shutting out the light in my window

So I'm shutting out the light on you.
This heart of mine can't take it any longer
There's no use pursuing what's not true
If I had a chance I'd wait forever

But baby, are you only foolin' you?
But we now are dreaming of another
But I've made your every dream come true
I still recall when you told me

--- Instrumental ---

So I'm shutting out the light on you.
This heart of mine can't take it any longer
Locking up the heart that beats for you
Yes, I'm shutting out the light in my window

So I'm shutting out the light on you.
But now you search for somethin' better
I believe that it was true
We once had a love together

I left that open too.
And the door to this heart of mine
Burning bright for you
I left the light in my window

(W. Starr)

Relevant Tags:
SShutting OOut TThe LLight hutting ut he ight hSutting uOt hTe iLght zhutting kut fhe kight zShutting kOut fThe kLight Szhutting Okut Tfhe Lkight
whutting 9ut 5he oight wShutting 9Out 5The oLight Swhutting O9ut T5he Loight dhutting 0ut hhe pight dShutting 0Out hThe pLight Sdhutting O0ut Thhe Lpight
ehutting lut yhe Liight eShutting lOut yThe Lght Sehutting Olut Tyhe Lgiht xhutting iut 6he Ljght xShutting iOut 6The Ljight Sxhutting Oiut T6he Lijght
ahutting Ouut ghe L9ght aShutting Ot gThe L9ight Sahutting Otu Tghe Li9ght Shhutting Oht rhe Llght Sutting Ohut rThe Llight Suhtting Ouht Trhe Lilght
Sjutting O7t Loght Sjhutting O7ut Te Shjutting Ou7t Teh Lioght Suutting Okt Tje Lkght Suhutting Tjhe Shuutting Oukt Thje Likght
Snutting Oit Tue L8ght Snhutting Tuhe L8ight Shnutting Ouit Thue Li8ght Sbutting O8t Tne Lught Sbhutting O8ut Tnhe Luight Shbutting Ou8t Thne Liught
Sgutting Ojt Tbe Ligght Sghutting Ojut Tbhe Liht Shgutting Oujt Thbe Lihgt Syutting Oyt Tge Lihht Syhutting Oyut Lihght Shyutting Ouyt Thge Lighht
Outt Tye Liyht Shtting Ou Liyght Shtuting Out Thye Ligyht Shhtting Ouf Thee Libht Ouft Th Libght Shuhtting Outf The Ligbht
Sh7tting Ou5 Ths Livht Sh7utting Ou5t Thse Livght Shu7tting Out5 Thes Ligvht Shktting Ouh Th3 Lifht Shkutting Th3e Lifght Shuktting Outh The3 Ligfht
Shitting Ouy Thf Litht Shiutting Thfe Litght Shuitting Outy Thef Ligtht Sh8tting Ou6 Thr Sh8utting Ou6t Thre Ligt Shu8tting Out6 Ther Ligth
Shjtting Oug Th4 Ligjt Ougt Th4e Ligjht Shujtting Outg The4 Lighjt Shytting Our Thd Ligut Ourt Thde Liguht Shuytting Outr Thed Lighut
Shuttting Thw Lignt Shuting Thwe Lignht Shutting Thew Lighnt Shufting Ligbt Shuftting Shutfting Lighbt
Shu5ting Liggt Shu5tting Shut5ting Lighgt Shuhting Ligyt Shuthting Lighyt

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