Waylon Jennings
If You Were Mine To Lose

(Mickey Jaco)

If you were mine to lose I'd gladly let you go
'Cause that would mean you once belonged to me
I'd gladly take the heartache of losing you some day
'Cause then at least I'd have the memory.

Through all the years I've known you you've never noticed me
Just a friend that's all I've been to you
I'd gladly let you break my heart for just one memory
Just to know that you were mine to lose.

If I could only hold you just one time
for one short moment heaven would be mine
If you were mine to lose I'd gladly let you go
Just to know that you were mine to lose.

I could only hold you just one time
for one short moment heaven would be mine
If you were mine to lose I'd gladly let you go
Just to know that you were mine to lose...

Mirror lyrics:

Just to know that you were mine to lose...
If you were mine to lose I'd gladly let you go
for one short moment heaven would be mine
I could only hold you just one time

Just to know that you were mine to lose.
If you were mine to lose I'd gladly let you go
for one short moment heaven would be mine
If I could only hold you just one time

Just to know that you were mine to lose.
I'd gladly let you break my heart for just one memory
Just a friend that's all I've been to you
Through all the years I've known you you've never noticed me

'Cause then at least I'd have the memory.
I'd gladly take the heartache of losing you some day
'Cause that would mean you once belonged to me
If you were mine to lose I'd gladly let you go

(Mickey Jaco)

Relevant Tags:
IIf YYou WWere MMine TTo LLose f ou ere ine o ose fI oYu eWre iMne oT oLse jf gou aere jine fo kose jIf gYou aWere jMine fTo kLose Ijf Ygou Waere Mjine Tfo Lkose
9f hou 3ere kine 5o oose 9If hYou 3Were kMine 5To oLose I9f Yhou W3ere Mkine T5o Loose lf 6ou dere nine ho pose lIf 6You dWere nMine hTo pLose Ilf Y6ou Wdere Mnine Tho Lpose
of uou eere Miine yo oIf uYou eWere Mne yTo Lse Iof Yuou Weere Mnie Tyo Lsoe kf 7ou sere Mjne 6o Lkse kIf 7You sWere 6To Ikf Y7ou Wsere Mijne T6o Lokse
8f jou 2ere M9ne go L9se 8If jYou 2Were M9ine gTo L9ose I8f Yjou W2ere Mi9ne Tgo Lo9se uf tou qere Mlne ro L0se uIf tYou qWere Mline rTo L0ose Iuf Ytou Wqere Milne Tro Lo0se
Iff Yoou Mone Too Llse I Yu Wre Moine T Llose If Yuo Wree Mione To Lolse Ic Yku Wsre Mkne Tk Lise Icf Ykou Tko Liose Ifc Yoku Wesre Mikne Tok Loise
Ir Y9u W3re M8ne T9 Losse Irf Y9ou M8ine T9o Loe Ifr Yo9u We3re Mi8ne To9 Loes Ig Y0u Wfre Mune T0 Loze Igf Y0ou Wfere Muine T0o Lozse Ifg Yo0u Wefre Miune To0 Losze
It Ylu Wrre Minne Tl Lowe Itf Ylou Wrere Mie Tlo Lowse Ift Yolu Werre Mien Tol Loswe Iv Yiu W4re Mime Ti Lode Ivf Yiou W4ere Mimne Tio Lodse

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