Bug In The Machine

Wax - Bug in the machine

Bug In The Machine (1987)

I know you must've phoned
Cause you can't live without me
But my answering machine
Must be going on the blink

I know you want to say
Want to say you're sorry
But the message on the phone
Sounded like 'leave me alone'

I must've bought a faulty unit
You couldn't want a world without me in it
And up to now it was working like a dream
Uh oh uh oh
Bug in the machine

Must be something wrong
Got a bad connection
The wires must be crossed
I know it can't be you I lost

Your voice was sounding strange to me
Like on your own was what you want to be
Reuniteds what I'm sure you mean
Uh oh uh oh
Bug in the machine

Oh I'm standing on the edge
Of a nervous breakdown
Cause an answering machine
You and I has come between

Can't hold a one way conversation
I need some real communication
I'd like to fix that little green
Uh oh uh oh
Bug in the machine

I know you must've phoned
Cause you can't live without me
My answering machine
Must be going on the blink

Mirror lyrics:

Must be going on the blink
My answering machine
Cause you can't live without me
I know you must've phoned

Bug in the machine
Uh oh uh oh
I'd like to fix that little green
I need some real communication
Can't hold a one way conversation

You and I has come between
Cause an answering machine
Of a nervous breakdown
Oh I'm standing on the edge

Bug in the machine
Uh oh uh oh
Reuniteds what I'm sure you mean
Like on your own was what you want to be
Your voice was sounding strange to me

I know it can't be you I lost
The wires must be crossed
Got a bad connection
Must be something wrong

Bug in the machine
Uh oh uh oh
And up to now it was working like a dream
You couldn't want a world without me in it
I must've bought a faulty unit

Sounded like 'leave me alone'
But the message on the phone
Want to say you're sorry
I know you want to say

Must be going on the blink
But my answering machine
Cause you can't live without me
I know you must've phoned

Bug In The Machine (1987)

Wax - Bug in the machine

Relevant Tags:
BBug IIn TThe MMachine ug n he achine uBg nI hTe aMchine vug jn fhe jachine vBug jIn fThe jMachine Bvug Ijn Tfhe Mjachine
gug 9n 5he kachine gBug 9In 5The kMachine Bgug I9n T5he Mkachine nug ln hhe nachine nBug lIn hThe nMachine Bnug Iln Thhe Mnachine
hug on yhe Maachine hBug oIn yThe Mchine Bhug Ion Tyhe Mcahine Buug kn 6he Mzchine Bg kIn 6The Mzachine Bgu Ikn T6he Mazchine
Bhg 8n ghe Mqchine 8In gThe Mqachine Buhg I8n Tghe Maqchine B7g un rhe Mschine B7ug uIn rThe Msachine Bu7g Iun Trhe Maschine
Bkg Inn Mwchine Bkug I Te Mwachine Bukg In Teh Mawchine Big Im Tje Mxchine Biug Imn Tjhe Mxachine Buig Inm Thje Maxchine
B8g Ih Tue Macchine B8ug Ihn Tuhe Mahine Bu8g Inh Thue Mahcine Bjg Ij Tne Mafhine Bjug Tnhe Mafchine Bujg Inj Thne Macfhine
Byg Ib Tbe Maxhine Byug Ibn Tbhe Buyg Inb Thbe Macxhine Bugg Tge Mavhine Bu Mavchine Bug Thge Macvhine
Buh Tye Madhine Madchine Bugh Thye Macdhine Buy Thee Machhine Th Macine Bugy The Macihne
Bub Ths Macjine Bubg Thse Macjhine Bugb Thes Machjine Buv Th3 Macuine Buvg Th3e Macuhine Bugv The3 Machuine
Buf Thf Macnine Bufg Thfe Macnhine Bugf Thef Machnine But Thr Macbine Butg Thre Macbhine Bugt Ther Machbine
Th4 Macgine Th4e Macghine The4 Machgine

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