How Have We Come This Far

In the beginning when all this was something new
I was younger
They say when youâ¬"re older you have it figured out
Did I take it for granted?
How do you see right through my falters?

Turning around was never so hard
Until I found us far apart
Turning it over Iâ¬"m left to wonder
Howâ¬"ve we come this far
Now, howâ¬"ve we come this far?

Hands that are reaching
To a world thatâ¬"s turned away from You
Truth that is sobering
Your love will never cease finding the lost ones
Letting go of all my pain

Falling down is oh, so hard
I am torn, I am bruised
Finding grace in every scar
I am whole, I am new

Mirror lyrics:

I am whole, I am new
Finding grace in every scar
I am torn, I am bruised
Falling down is oh, so hard

Letting go of all my pain
Your love will never cease finding the lost ones
Truth that is sobering
To a world thatâ¬"s turned away from You
Hands that are reaching

Now, howâ¬"ve we come this far?
Howâ¬"ve we come this far
Turning it over Iâ¬"m left to wonder
Until I found us far apart
Turning around was never so hard

How do you see right through my falters?
Did I take it for granted?
They say when youâ¬"re older you have it figured out
I was younger
In the beginning when all this was something new

Relevant Tags:
HHow HHave WWe CCome TThis FFar ow ave e ome his ar oHw aHve eW oCme hTis aFr jow jave ae fome fhis car jHow jHave aWe fCome fThis cFar
Hjow Hjave Wae Cfome Tfhis Fcar uow uave 3e xome 5his rar uHow uHave 3We xCome 5This rFar Huow Huave W3e Cxome T5his Frar now nave de vome hhis gar
nHow nHave dWe vCome hThis gFar Hnow Hnave Wde Cvome Thhis Fgar bow bave ee dome yhis tar bHow bHave eWe dCome yThis tFar Hbow Hbave Wee Cdome Tyhis Ftar
gow gave se Coome 6his var gHow gHave sWe Cme 6This vFar Hgow Hgave Wse Cmoe T6his Fvar yow yave 2e Ckme ghis dar yHow yHave 2We Ckome gThis dFar
Hyow Hyave W2e Cokme Tghis Fdar Hoow Haave qe C9me rhis Faar Hw Hve qWe C9ome rThis Fr Hwo Hvae Wqe Co9me Trhis Fra Hkw Hzve C0me Fzr
Hkow Hzave W C0ome Tis Fzar Hokw Hazve We Co0me Tihs Fazr H9w Hqve Ws Clme Tjis Fqr H9ow Hqave Clome Tjhis Fqar Ho9w Haqve Wes Colme Thjis Faqr
H0w Hsve W3 Cime Tuis Fsr H0ow Hsave Ciome Tuhis Fsar Ho0w Hasve We3 Coime Thuis Fasr Hlw Hwve Wf Comme Tnis Fwr Hlow Hwave Wfe Coe Tnhis Fwar
Holw Hawve Wef Coem Thnis Fawr Hiw Hxve Wr Coje Tbis Fxr Hiow Hxave Wre Cojme Tbhis Fxar Hoiw Haxve Wer Comje Thbis Faxr Howw Havve W4 Coke Tgis Farr
Ho Hae W4e Fa How Haev We4 Comke Thgis Far Hoa Habe Wd Cone Tyis Fad

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