Waylon Jennings
It's Not Supposed To Be That Way

(Willie Nelson)

It's not supposed to be that way
You're supposed to know I love you
But it don't matter anyway
If I can't be there to console you.

And like the other little children
You're gonna dream a dream or two
But be careful what you're dreamin'
Or soon your dreams'll be dreamin' you.

It's not supposed to be that way
You're supposed to know I love you
But it don't matter anyway
If I can't be there to console you.

When you go out to play this evenin'
Play with fire flies till they're gone
Then you rush to meet your lover
Play with real fire till the dawn.

It's not supposed to be that way
You're supposed to know I love you
But it don't matter anyway
If I can't be there to console you...

Mirror lyrics:

If I can't be there to console you...
But it don't matter anyway
You're supposed to know I love you
It's not supposed to be that way

Play with real fire till the dawn.
Then you rush to meet your lover
Play with fire flies till they're gone
When you go out to play this evenin'

If I can't be there to console you.
But it don't matter anyway
You're supposed to know I love you
It's not supposed to be that way

Or soon your dreams'll be dreamin' you.
But be careful what you're dreamin'
You're gonna dream a dream or two
And like the other little children

If I can't be there to console you.
But it don't matter anyway
You're supposed to know I love you
It's not supposed to be that way

(Willie Nelson)

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I6t's No5t Sjupposed Tio Wxay It6's Not5 Sujpposed Toi Thgat Waxy Ig's Noh Sypposed Tyat Wayy Igt's Noht Syupposed Wa Itg's Noth Suypposed Thyat Way
Ir's Noy Suppposed Thaat Wag Irt's Noyt Suposed Tht Wagy Itr's Noty Supposed Thta Wayg It''s No6 Su0posed Thzt Wah Its No6t Su0pposed Thzat Wahy
Its' Not6 Sup0posed Thazt Wayh It'ss Nog Sulposed Thqt Wa6 It' Nogt Sulpposed Thqat Wa6y It's Notg Suplposed Thaqt Way6 It'z Nor Suoposed Thst Wau
It'zs Nort Suopposed Thsat Wauy It'sz Notr Supoposed Thast Wayu It'w Thwt Wa7 It'ws Thwat Wa7y It'sw Supopsed Thawt Way7
It'd Sup0osed Thxt Waj It'ds Thxat Wajy It'sd Supp0osed Thaxt Wayj It'e Suplosed Thatt Wat It'es Tha Waty
It'se Supplosed That Wayt It'x Supoosed Thaf It'xs Thaft

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