Take Jericho

Lyrics by Don Chaffer
Music by Kenny Carter
1/27-2/8/99 Wichita, KS

We're gonna take Jericho
by blowin them horns
We're gonna take Jericho
by blowin them horns
Cause that's what my Lord said to do
We're gonna take Jericho
by blowin them horns

We're gonna lift Him up
when we're way way down
We're gonna lift Him up
when we're on the ground
Cause that's what my Lord said to do
We're gonna lift Him up
when we're way way down

We can see Jericho coming
down down down down down
Come on, brother, blow your horn
Cause you know that Jericho is coming
down down down down down down down down down

We're gonna cross that sea
walkin on dry land
We're gonna cross that sea
walkin on dry land
Cause that's what my Lord said to do
We're gonna cross that sea
walkin on dry land

Mirror lyrics:

walkin on dry land
We're gonna cross that sea
Cause that's what my Lord said to do
walkin on dry land
We're gonna cross that sea
walkin on dry land
We're gonna cross that sea

down down down down down down down down down
Cause you know that Jericho is coming
Come on, brother, blow your horn
down down down down down
We can see Jericho coming

when we're way way down
We're gonna lift Him up
Cause that's what my Lord said to do
when we're on the ground
We're gonna lift Him up
when we're way way down
We're gonna lift Him up

by blowin them horns
We're gonna take Jericho
Cause that's what my Lord said to do
by blowin them horns
We're gonna take Jericho
by blowin them horns
We're gonna take Jericho

1/27-2/8/99 Wichita, KS
Music by Kenny Carter
Lyrics by Don Chaffer

Relevant Tags:
TTake JJericho ake ericho aTke eJricho fake kericho fTake kJericho Tfake Jkericho 5ake iericho 5Take iJericho T5ake Jiericho
hake mericho hTake mJericho Thake Jmericho yake nericho yTake nJericho Tyake Jnericho 6ake hericho 6Take hJericho T6ake Jhericho
gake uericho gTake uJericho Tgake Juericho rake Jeericho rTake Jricho Trake Jreicho Taake Jsricho Tke Jsericho Tkae Jesricho
Tzke J3richo Tzake J3ericho Tazke Je3richo Tqke Jfricho Tqake Jfericho Taqke Jefricho Tske Jrricho Tsake Jrericho Taske Jerricho
Twke J4richo Twake J4ericho Tawke Je4richo Txke Jdricho Txake Jdericho Taxke Jedricho Takke Jwricho Tae Jwericho Taek Jewricho
Tale Talke Jeicho Takle Jeircho Taoe Jedicho Taoke Takoe Jerdicho Tame Je4icho Tamke Takme Jer4icho
Taje Jegicho Tajke Jegricho Takje Jergicho Taie Jeticho Taike Jetricho Takie Jerticho Takee Je5icho Tak Je5richo Take Jer5icho
Taks Jeficho Takse Takes Jerficho Tak3 Jeeicho Tak3e Take3 Jereicho Takf Jeriicho Takfe Jercho

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