
My land is wide
My skies are blue
My goals are high
My mark is you

My hands are red
My legs are long
My word is spread
Be it right or wrong

Good luck getting me to commit
My a.k.a. is hypocrite
Rather be bullying the underfed
And treat you like you got a hole in your head

I go...
Right round pushing out the riff raff
No matter where it came from
Never mind the wisdom
Only see it my way
Take it or the highway
Welcome to the land of Generica

My grass is green
My bonds are junk
My truth looks sheen
My soul's in a funk

My eyes are blind
My talk is cheap
My heart is fickle
My tax is steep

Try my McNuggets and a side of fries
Just might kill you off but never-mind
Call my doctor to set up a time
Two hundred grand oughta do just fine

I go...
Right round pushing out the riff raff
No matter where it came from
Never mind the wisdom
You only have two choices
Guest list or black list
Welcome to the land of Generica

Don't go thinking outside of the box
Might have to kick you right in the crotch
Stick with me Mr. Stereotype
You know it man, I'll keep you up on the hype

I go...
Right round imposing my creation
Mass produce it for you
Everything looks brand new
Put it all on credit
A hundred years to pay it
Force you to agree
While your smiling at me

I go...
Right round pushing out the riff raff
No matter where it came from
Never mind the wisdom
Only see it my way
Take it or the highway
Welcome to the land of Generica, Generica

Mirror lyrics:

Welcome to the land of Generica, Generica
Take it or the highway
Only see it my way
Never mind the wisdom
No matter where it came from
Right round pushing out the riff raff
I go...

While your smiling at me
Force you to agree
A hundred years to pay it
Put it all on credit
Everything looks brand new
Mass produce it for you
Right round imposing my creation
I go...

You know it man, I'll keep you up on the hype
Stick with me Mr. Stereotype
Might have to kick you right in the crotch
Don't go thinking outside of the box

Welcome to the land of Generica
Guest list or black list
You only have two choices
Never mind the wisdom
No matter where it came from
Right round pushing out the riff raff
I go...

Two hundred grand oughta do just fine
Call my doctor to set up a time
Just might kill you off but never-mind
Try my McNuggets and a side of fries

My tax is steep
My heart is fickle
My talk is cheap
My eyes are blind

My soul's in a funk
My truth looks sheen
My bonds are junk
My grass is green

Welcome to the land of Generica
Take it or the highway
Only see it my way
Never mind the wisdom
No matter where it came from
Right round pushing out the riff raff
I go...

And treat you like you got a hole in your head
Rather be bullying the underfed
My a.k.a. is hypocrite
Good luck getting me to commit

Be it right or wrong
My word is spread
My legs are long
My hands are red

My mark is you
My goals are high
My skies are blue
My land is wide

Relevant Tags:
GGenerica enerica eGnerica henerica hGenerica Ghenerica yenerica yGenerica Gyenerica benerica bGenerica
Gbenerica venerica vGenerica Gvenerica fenerica fGenerica Gfenerica tenerica tGenerica Gtenerica Geenerica
Gnerica Gneerica Gsnerica Gsenerica Gesnerica G3nerica G3enerica Ge3nerica Gfnerica Gefnerica Grnerica
Grenerica Gernerica G4nerica G4enerica Ge4nerica Gdnerica Gdenerica Gednerica Gwnerica Gwenerica Gewnerica
Gennerica Geerica Geenrica Gemerica Gemnerica Genmerica Geherica Gehnerica Genherica Gejerica Gejnerica
Genjerica Geberica Gebnerica Genberica Geneerica Genrica Genreica Gensrica Genserica Genesrica Gen3rica
Gen3erica Gene3rica Genfrica Genferica Genefrica Genrrica Genrerica Generrica Gen4rica Gen4erica Gene4rica

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