Willy Mason
Waiter At The Station

He's waiting at the station
He's not taking any trains
He's a kid from Colorado
Counting raindrops in the drain,
He's sleeping in the tunnel
He's edging towards the vent
He's a lonesome river swimmer
Wondering where the river went.

Whose gonna carry him down?
Whose gonna carry him down?
One more turnaround
And he'll be homeward bound
Whose gonna carry him, carry him down?

There's a landlord on the benches
There's a posse on the train
There's an angel up in heaven
Who forgot somebody's name.

Whose gonna carry him down?
Whose gonna carry him down?
One more turnaround
And he'll be homeward bound
Whose gonna carry him, carry him down?

One more turnaround
And he'll be homeward bound
Whose gonna carry him, carry him down?

Mirror lyrics:

Whose gonna carry him, carry him down?
And he'll be homeward bound
One more turnaround

Whose gonna carry him, carry him down?
And he'll be homeward bound
One more turnaround
Whose gonna carry him down?
Whose gonna carry him down?

Who forgot somebody's name.
There's an angel up in heaven
There's a posse on the train
There's a landlord on the benches

Whose gonna carry him, carry him down?
And he'll be homeward bound
One more turnaround
Whose gonna carry him down?
Whose gonna carry him down?

Wondering where the river went.
He's a lonesome river swimmer
He's edging towards the vent
He's sleeping in the tunnel
Counting raindrops in the drain,
He's a kid from Colorado
He's not taking any trains
He's waiting at the station

Relevant Tags:
WWaiter AAt TThe SStation aiter t he tation aWiter tA hTe tSation aaiter zt fhe ztation aWaiter zAt fThe zStation Waaiter Azt Tfhe Sztation
3aiter qt 5he wtation 3Waiter qAt 5The wStation W3aiter Aqt T5he Swtation daiter st hhe dtation dWaiter sAt hThe dStation Wdaiter Ast Thhe Sdtation
eaiter wt yhe etation eWaiter wAt yThe eStation Weaiter Awt Tyhe Setation saiter xt 6he xtation sWaiter xAt 6The xStation Wsaiter Axt T6he Sxtation
2aiter Att ghe atation 2Waiter A gThe aStation W2aiter At Tghe Satation qaiter Af rhe Sttation qWaiter Aft rThe Sation Wqaiter Atf Trhe Sattion
A5 Sfation Witer A5t Te Sftation Wiater At5 Teh Stfation Wziter Ah Tje S5ation Wzaiter Aht Tjhe S5tation Waziter Ath Thje St5ation
Wqiter Ay Tue Shation Ayt Tuhe Shtation Waqiter Aty Thue Sthation Wsiter A6 Tne Syation A6t Tnhe Sytation Wasiter At6 Thne Styation
Wwiter Ag Tbe S6ation Wwaiter Agt Tbhe S6tation Wawiter Atg Thbe St6ation Wxiter Ar Tge Sgation Wxaiter Art Sgtation Waxiter Atr Thge Stgation
Waiiter Tye Sration Water Srtation Watier Thye Stration Wajter Thee Staation Wajiter Th Sttion Waijter The Sttaion
Wa9ter Ths Stztion Wa9iter Thse Stzation Wai9ter Thes Staztion Walter Th3 Stqtion Waliter Th3e Stqation Wailter The3 Staqtion
Waoter Thf Ststion Waoiter Thfe Stsation Waioter Thef Stastion Wakter Thr Stwtion Wakiter Thre Stwation Waikter Ther Stawtion
Wa8ter Th4 Stxtion Wa8iter Th4e Stxation Wai8ter The4 Staxtion Wauter Thd Stattion Wauiter Thde Staion Waiuter Thed Staiton
Waitter Thw Stafion Waier Thwe Staftion Waietr Thew Statfion Waifer Sta5ion

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