Willy Mason
The End Of The Race

when they came in the night,
they said we take what we like
i said i wish you well, but i've been living like hell
i don't have what you need, but i can tell you what i see
i close my eyes to go to sleep,
i feel a gun pressed to my cheek
i see the ocean rolling fast, i see the grass i see the grass
see it swallow up the past, i see the grass i see the grass
see the hands empty at last, i see the grass i see the grass
but all you ask me all you ask, all you ask all you ask
what have you got for me???????
you knew that this day was coming on,
i woke at first daylight
the sun still shining just as bright,
as yesterday when it seemed
the world could end inside a dream
i put on boots and went outside
the enemy is still shooting wide
if they'd believe what i see
they wouldn't shoot so thoughtlessly
i see the ocean....
what have you got for me????
you knew that this day was coming
so why didn't you start running
your hands are now too full to get a way
and this ain't gonna stop till something
cures you of all your wanting
until you lose what you won't give away
its time to make peace with this place
call this the end of the race

Mirror lyrics:

call this the end of the race
its time to make peace with this place
until you lose what you won't give away
cures you of all your wanting
and this ain't gonna stop till something
your hands are now too full to get a way
so why didn't you start running
you knew that this day was coming
what have you got for me????
i see the ocean....
they wouldn't shoot so thoughtlessly
if they'd believe what i see
the enemy is still shooting wide
i put on boots and went outside
the world could end inside a dream
as yesterday when it seemed
the sun still shining just as bright,
i woke at first daylight
you knew that this day was coming on,
what have you got for me???????
but all you ask me all you ask, all you ask all you ask
see the hands empty at last, i see the grass i see the grass
see it swallow up the past, i see the grass i see the grass
i see the ocean rolling fast, i see the grass i see the grass
i feel a gun pressed to my cheek
i close my eyes to go to sleep,
i don't have what you need, but i can tell you what i see
i said i wish you well, but i've been living like hell
they said we take what we like
when they came in the night,

Relevant Tags:
TThe EEnd OOf TThe RRace he nd f he ace hTe nEd fO hTe aRce fhe snd kf fhe dace fThe sEnd kOf fThe dRace Tfhe Esnd Okf Tfhe Rdace
5he 3nd 9f 5he 4ace 5The 3End 9Of 5The 4Race T5he E3nd O9f T5he R4ace hhe fnd 0f hhe gace hThe fEnd 0Of hThe gRace Thhe Efnd O0f Thhe Rgace
yhe rnd lf yhe tace yThe rEnd lOf yThe tRace Tyhe Ernd Olf Tyhe Rtace 6he 4nd if 6he 5ace 6The 4End iOf 6The 5Race T6he E4nd Oif T6he R5ace
ghe dnd Off ghe face gThe dEnd O gThe fRace Tghe Ednd Of Tghe Rface rhe wnd Oc rhe eace rThe wEnd Ocf rThe eRace Trhe Ewnd Ofc Trhe Reace
Ennd Or Raace Te Ed Orf Te Rce Teh Edn Ofr Teh Rcae Tje Emd Og Tje Rzce Tjhe Emnd Ogf Tjhe Rzace Thje Enmd Ofg Thje Razce
Tue Ehd Ot Tue Rqce Tuhe Ehnd Otf Tuhe Rqace Thue Enhd Oft Thue Raqce Tne Ejd Ov Tne Rsce Tnhe Ejnd Ovf Tnhe Rsace Thne Enjd Ofv Thne Rasce
Tbe Ebd Od Tbe Rwce Tbhe Ebnd Odf Tbhe Rwace Thbe Enbd Ofd Thbe Rawce

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