Warner Mack
Sittin' In An All Nite Cafe

Sittin' in an all nite cafe in a booth back in the corner

Making paper wads from napkins throwing toothpicks on the floor

Got a problem I can't solve so I'm gonna sit till I figure out

The reason why my baby doesn't love me anymore

It can't be another woman cause I never looked at any one

Long as I've been knowing her that's a long long time

I've drank so many cups of coffee bet you that I'll get an ulcer

Sittin' in this all nite cafe with my baby on my mind

[ guitar ]

Sittin' in an all nite cafe listening to the jukebox playing

Overhead the waitress saying I wonder why he don't go home

I'll bet my baby's out with someone laughing dancing and romancing

And I'll bet she never thinks of me sittin' here alone

It can't be another woman...

Sittin' in this all nite cafe with my baby on my mind

Mirror lyrics:

Sittin' in this all nite cafe with my baby on my mind

It can't be another woman...

And I'll bet she never thinks of me sittin' here alone

I'll bet my baby's out with someone laughing dancing and romancing

Overhead the waitress saying I wonder why he don't go home

Sittin' in an all nite cafe listening to the jukebox playing

[ guitar ]

Sittin' in this all nite cafe with my baby on my mind

I've drank so many cups of coffee bet you that I'll get an ulcer

Long as I've been knowing her that's a long long time

It can't be another woman cause I never looked at any one

The reason why my baby doesn't love me anymore

Got a problem I can't solve so I'm gonna sit till I figure out

Making paper wads from napkins throwing toothpicks on the floor

Sittin' in an all nite cafe in a booth back in the corner

Relevant Tags:
SSittin' IIn AAn AAll NNite CCafe ittin' n n ll ite afe iSttin' nI nA lAl iNte aCfe zittin' jn zn zll mite fafe zSittin' jIn zAn zAll mNite fCafe
Szittin' Ijn Azn Azll Nmite Cfafe wittin' 9n qn qll hite xafe wSittin' 9In qAn qAll hNite xCafe Swittin' I9n Aqn Aqll Nhite Cxafe dittin' ln sn sll jite vafe
dSittin' lIn sAn sAll jNite vCafe Sdittin' Iln Asn Asll Njite Cvafe eittin' on wn wll bite dafe eSittin' oIn wAn wAll bNite dCafe Seittin' Ion Awn Awll Nbite Cdafe
xittin' kn xn xll Niite Caafe xSittin' kIn xAn xAll Nte Cfe Sxittin' Ikn Axn Axll Ntie Cfae aittin' 8n Ann Alll Njte Czfe aSittin' 8In A Al Czafe
Saittin' I8n An All Nijte Cazfe Siittin' un Am Akl N9te Cqfe Sttin' uIn Amn Akll N9ite Cqafe Stitin' Iun Anm Alkl Ni9te Caqfe Sjttin' Inn Ah Aol Nlte Csfe
Sjittin' I Ahn Aoll Nlite Csafe Sijttin' In Anh Alol Nilte Casfe S9ttin' Im Aj Apl Note Cwfe S9ittin' Imn Ajn Apll Noite Cwafe Si9ttin' Inm Anj Alpl Niote Cawfe
Slttin' Ih Ab Nkte Cxfe Slittin' Ihn Abn Nkite Silttin' Inh Anb Nikte Caxfe Sottin' Ij Alk N8te Caffe Soittin' N8ite Cae
Siottin' Inj Allk Ni8te Caef Skttin' Ib Alo Nute Cace Skittin' Ibn Nuite Cacfe Sikttin' Inb Allo Niute Cafce S8ttin' Alp Nitte Care
S8ittin' Nie Carfe Si8ttin' Allp Niet Cafre Suttin' Nife Cage Suittin' Nifte Cagfe Siuttin' Nitfe Cafge
Sitttin' Ni5e Cate Sitin' Ni5te Catfe Sittin' Nit5e Cafte Siftin' Nihe Cave Sifttin' Nihte Cavfe
Sitftin' Nithe Cafve Si5tin' Niye Cade Si5ttin' Niyte Cadfe Sit5tin' Nitye Cafde Sihtin' Ni6e Cafee
Sihttin' Ni6te Caf Sithtin' Nit6e Cafe Siytin' Nige Cafs Siyttin' Nigte Cafse Sitytin' Nitge Cafes
Si6tin' Nire Caf3 Si6ttin' Nirte Caf3e

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