Without You

I feel so lonely
Since I had to leave you
'Cause all I had to say
Was not true!

I'm thinking of you
Every day and every night
I'm missing your lovin'
Your face and your eyes

I feel so lonely
Since I had to leave you
'Cause all I had to say
Was not true!

I'm thinking of you
Every day and every night
I'm missing your lovin'
Your face and your eyes, oh!

I had to leave you
But I cannot, cannot forget you
I want you
I want you
I want you!

I stand by my window
And all seems so low
Slow but sure I understand
The good times we had
The good times we had

So empty is my heart
Without you
Without you
Stand apart

I remember your brown eyes
You looked so kind
Looked at me
Sparkled in the night

I'd change my mind
I will take your way
Together forever
Come on, it's the last essay, yeah!

I had to leave you
But I cannot, cannot forget you
I want you
I want you
I want you!

I stand by my window
And all seems so low
Slow but sure I understand
The good times we had
The good times we had

So empty is my heart
Without you
Without you
Stand apart...

Since I had to leave you
I cannot forget you
Slow but sure I understand
The good times we had
The good times we had

I stand by my window
And I've been so low
Slow but sure I understand
The good times we had
The good times we had

So empty is my heart
Without you
Without you
Stand apart...

Mirror lyrics:

Stand apart...
Without you
Without you
So empty is my heart

The good times we had
The good times we had
Slow but sure I understand
And I've been so low
I stand by my window

The good times we had
The good times we had
Slow but sure I understand
I cannot forget you
Since I had to leave you

Stand apart...
Without you
Without you
So empty is my heart

The good times we had
The good times we had
Slow but sure I understand
And all seems so low
I stand by my window

I want you!
I want you
I want you
But I cannot, cannot forget you
I had to leave you

Come on, it's the last essay, yeah!
Together forever
I will take your way
I'd change my mind

Sparkled in the night
Looked at me
You looked so kind
I remember your brown eyes

Stand apart
Without you
Without you
So empty is my heart

The good times we had
The good times we had
Slow but sure I understand
And all seems so low
I stand by my window

I want you!
I want you
I want you
But I cannot, cannot forget you
I had to leave you

Your face and your eyes, oh!
I'm missing your lovin'
Every day and every night
I'm thinking of you

Was not true!
'Cause all I had to say
Since I had to leave you
I feel so lonely

Your face and your eyes
I'm missing your lovin'
Every day and every night
I'm thinking of you

Was not true!
'Cause all I had to say
Since I had to leave you
I feel so lonely

Relevant Tags:
WWithout YYou ithout ou iWthout oYu aithout gou aWithout gYou Waithout Ygou 3ithout hou 3Without hYou W3ithout Yhou dithout 6ou
dWithout 6You Wdithout Y6ou eithout uou eWithout uYou Weithout Yuou sithout 7ou sWithout 7You Wsithout Y7ou 2ithout jou 2Without jYou
W2ithout Yjou qithout tou qWithout tYou Wqithout Ytou Wiithout Yoou Wthout Yu Wtihout Yuo Wjthout Yku Wjithout Ykou Wijthout Yoku
W9thout Y9u W9ithout Y9ou Wi9thout Yo9u Wlthout Y0u Wlithout Y0ou Wilthout Yo0u Wothout Ylu Woithout Ylou Wiothout Yolu Wkthout Yiu
Wkithout Yiou Wikthout Yoiu W8thout Youu W8ithout Yo Wi8thout You Wuthout Yoh Wuithout Yohu Wiuthout Youh Witthout Yo7 Wihout Yo7u
Wihtout You7 Wifhout Yok Wifthout Witfhout Youk Wi5hout Yoi Wi5thout Wit5hout Youi Wihhout Yo8 Wihthout Yo8u Withhout You8
Wiyhout Yoj Wiythout Yoju Wityhout Youj Wi6hout Yoy Wi6thout Yoyu Wit6hout Youy Wighout Wigthout Witghout Wirhout
Wirthout Witrhout Witout Witohut Witjout

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