Wylie & The Wild West
Equus Caballus

Words: Joel Nelson, Music:Wylie Gustafson (Two Medicine Music) BMI

I have run on middle fingernail through Eolithic morning

And IÂ've thundered down the coach road with RevolutionÂ's warning

I have carried countless errant knights who never found the grail

I have strained before the caissons, IÂ've moved the nationÂ's mail

IÂ've made knights of lowly tribesmen, kings from ranks of peons

IÂ've given pride and arrogance to riding men for eons

IÂ've grazed among the lodges, teepees and the yurts

Felt the sting of driving whips, lashes, spurs and quirts

I am roguish- I am flighty- inbred and lowly

IÂ'm a nightmare gone wild I am

Gallant and exalted- stately and noble

IÂ'm awesome- I am grand I am

The Horse

I have suffered gross indignities from users and winners

IÂ've felt the touch of kindness from losers and sinners

I have given for the cruel hand and given for the kind

Heaved a sigh at Appomattox when surrender had been signed

I can be as tough as hardened steel- fragile as a flower

I know not my endurance I know not my own power

I have died with heart exploded beneath the cheering stands

Calmly stood below the hanging noose of vigilante bands

I am roguish- I am flighty- inbred and lowly

IÂ'm a nightmare gone wild- I amÂ…

Gallant and exalted- stately and noble

IÂ'm awesome- I am grand- I am

the Horse

So IÂ'll run on middle fingernail until the curtain closes

IÂ'll win for you your triple crown IÂ'll wear for you your roses

Toward you who took my freedom IÂ've no malice or remorse

IÂ'll endure IÂ'll last forever I am

The Horse

Mirror lyrics:

The Horse

IÂ'll endure IÂ'll last forever I am

Toward you who took my freedom IÂ've no malice or remorse

IÂ'll win for you your triple crown IÂ'll wear for you your roses

So IÂ'll run on middle fingernail until the curtain closes

the Horse

IÂ'm awesome- I am grand- I am

Gallant and exalted- stately and noble

IÂ'm a nightmare gone wild- I amÂ…

I am roguish- I am flighty- inbred and lowly

Calmly stood below the hanging noose of vigilante bands

I have died with heart exploded beneath the cheering stands

I know not my endurance I know not my own power

I can be as tough as hardened steel- fragile as a flower

Heaved a sigh at Appomattox when surrender had been signed

I have given for the cruel hand and given for the kind

IÂ've felt the touch of kindness from losers and sinners

I have suffered gross indignities from users and winners

The Horse

IÂ'm awesome- I am grand I am

Gallant and exalted- stately and noble

IÂ'm a nightmare gone wild I am

I am roguish- I am flighty- inbred and lowly

Felt the sting of driving whips, lashes, spurs and quirts

IÂ've grazed among the lodges, teepees and the yurts

IÂ've given pride and arrogance to riding men for eons

IÂ've made knights of lowly tribesmen, kings from ranks of peons

I have strained before the caissons, IÂ've moved the nationÂ's mail

I have carried countless errant knights who never found the grail

And IÂ've thundered down the coach road with RevolutionÂ's warning

I have run on middle fingernail through Eolithic morning

Words: Joel Nelson, Music:Wylie Gustafson (Two Medicine Music) BMI

Relevant Tags:
EEquus CCaballus quus aballus qEuus aCballus squus faballus sEquus fCaballus Esquus Cfaballus 3quus xaballus 3Equus xCaballus
E3quus Cxaballus fquus vaballus fEquus vCaballus Efquus Cvaballus rquus daballus rEquus dCaballus Erquus Cdaballus 4quus Caaballus
4Equus Cballus E4quus Cbaallus dquus Czballus dEquus Czaballus Edquus Cazballus wquus Cqballus wEquus Cqaballus Ewquus Caqballus
Eqquus Csballus Euus Csaballus Euqus Casballus Eauus Cwballus Eaquus Cwaballus Eqauus Cawballus E2uus Cxballus E2quus
Eq2uus Caxballus Ewuus Cabballus Caallus Eqwuus Caabllus Esuus Cavallus Cavballus Eqsuus Cabvallus E1uus Cagallus
E1quus Cagballus Eq1uus Cabgallus Equuus Canallus Equs Canballus Equus Cabnallus Eqhus Cahallus Eqhuus Cahballus Equhus Cabhallus
Eq7us Cabaallus Eq7uus Cabllus Equ7us Cablalus Eqkus Cabzllus Eqkuus Cabzallus Equkus Cabazllus Eqius Cabqllus Eqiuus Cabqallus
Equius Cabaqllus Eq8us Cabsllus Eq8uus Cabsallus Equ8us Cabasllus Eqjus Cabwllus Eqjuus Cabwallus Equjus Cabawllus Eqyus Cabxllus

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