Wwf Superstars
West Coast Rumble (short Version)

There's gonna be some trouble tonight.
A very Royal Rumble that's right.
Step into the ring, to reach an understanding.
When the smoke is clear, to be the last man standing.
Cause' there can only be one Royal Rumble winner.

Mirror lyrics:

Cause' there can only be one Royal Rumble winner.
When the smoke is clear, to be the last man standing.
Step into the ring, to reach an understanding.
A very Royal Rumble that's right.
There's gonna be some trouble tonight.

Relevant Tags:
WWest CCoast RRumble ((short VVersion) est oast umble short ersion) eWst oCast uRmble s(hort eVrsion) aest foast dumble (sshort bersion) aWest fCoast dRumble (hort bVersion)
Waest Cfoast Rdumble (hsort Vbersion) 3est xoast 4umble (zhort cersion) 3West xCoast 4Rumble (zshort cVersion) W3est Cxoast R4umble (szhort Vcersion) dest voast gumble (whort gersion)
dWest vCoast gRumble (wshort gVersion) Wdest Cvoast Rgumble (swhort Vgersion) eest doast tumble (dhort fersion) eWest dCoast tRumble (dshort fVersion) Weest Cdoast Rtumble (sdhort Vfersion)
sest Cooast 5umble (ehort Veersion) sWest Cast 5Rumble (eshort Vrsion) Wsest Caost R5umble (sehort Vresion) 2est Ckast fumble (xhort Vsrsion) 2West Ckoast fRumble (xshort Vsersion)
W2est Cokast Rfumble (sxhort Vesrsion) qest C9ast eumble (ahort V3rsion) qWest C9oast eRumble (ashort V3ersion) Wqest Co9ast Reumble (sahort Ve3rsion) C0ast Ruumble (shhort Vfrsion)
Wst C0oast Rmble (sort Wset Co0ast Rmuble (sohrt Vefrsion) Wsst Clast Rhmble (sjort Vrrsion) Cloast Rhumble (sjhort Vrersion) Wesst Colast Ruhmble (shjort Verrsion)
W3st Ciast R7mble (suort V4rsion) Cioast R7umble (suhort V4ersion) We3st Coiast Ru7mble (shuort Ve4rsion) Wfst Coaast Rkmble (snort Vdrsion) Wfest Cost Rkumble (snhort Vdersion)
Wefst Cosat Rukmble (shnort Vedrsion) Wrst Cozst Rimble (sbort Vwrsion) Wrest Cozast Riumble (sbhort Vwersion) Werst Coazst Ruimble (shbort Vewrsion) W4st Coqst R8mble (sgort
W4est Coqast R8umble (sghort Vesion) We4st Coaqst Ru8mble (shgort Vesrion) Wdst Cosst Rjmble (syort Vedsion) Cosast Rjumble (syhort Wedst Coasst Rujmble (shyort Verdsion)
Wwst Cowst Rymble (shoort Ve4sion) Wwest Cowast Ryumble (shrt Wewst Coawst Ruymble (shrot Ver4sion) Coxst Rummble (shkrt Vegsion) Wet Coxast Ruble (shkort Vegrsion)
Wets Coaxst Rubmle (shokrt Vergsion) Wezt Rujble (sh9rt Vetsion) Wezst Coat (sh9ort Vetrsion) Weszt Coats Rumjble (sho9rt Vertsion) Wewt Coazt Rukble (sh0rt Ve5sion)
(sh0ort Ve5rsion) Weswt Coaszt Rumkble (sho0rt Ver5sion) Wedt Coawt Runble (shlrt Vefsion) Runmble (shlort Wesdt Coaswt Rumnble (sholrt Verfsion)
Weet Coadt Rumbble (shirt Veesion) Coadst Rumle (shiort Weset Coasdt Rumlbe (shoirt Veresion) Wext Coaet Rumvle (shorrt Verssion) Wexst Coaest Rumvble (shot Verion)
Wesxt Coaset Rumbvle (shotr Verison)

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