Fear In Your Eyes

Burn that was all you said
Burn down with all you had
I'll burn all your limbs and found
Burn all your ashes down
Your soul can't be burnt in flames
It survives and it will remain
With a pain of maternity
Of a fear in eternity

Fear in your eyes

God's just a bad invent
By Christ with a sad intend
To adjust and to co-exist
With a fear of the law of fist
I don't believe in God but so
I am on my tod I'm afraid
I'm afraid of him at least
Sure I cannot win

Mirror lyrics:

Sure I cannot win
I'm afraid of him at least
I am on my tod I'm afraid
I don't believe in God but so
With a fear of the law of fist
To adjust and to co-exist
By Christ with a sad intend
God's just a bad invent

Fear in your eyes

Of a fear in eternity
With a pain of maternity
It survives and it will remain
Your soul can't be burnt in flames
Burn all your ashes down
I'll burn all your limbs and found
Burn down with all you had
Burn that was all you said

Relevant Tags:
FFear IIn YYour EEyes ear n our yes eFar nI oYur yEes cear jn gour syes cFear jIn gYour sEyes Fcear Ijn Ygour Esyes
rear 9n hour 3yes rFear 9In hYour 3Eyes Frear I9n Yhour E3yes gear ln 6our fyes gFear lIn 6Your fEyes Fgear Iln Y6our Efyes
tear on uour ryes tFear oIn uYour rEyes Ftear Ion Yuour Eryes vear kn 7our 4yes vFear kIn 7Your 4Eyes Fvear Ikn Y7our E4yes
dear 8n jour dyes dFear 8In jYour dEyes Fdear I8n Yjour Edyes Feear un tour wyes Far uIn tYour wEyes Faer Iun Ytour Ewyes
Fsar Inn Yoour Eyyes Fsear I Yur Ees Fesar In Yuor Eeys F3ar Im Ykur Eges F3ear Imn Ykour Egyes Fe3ar Inm Yokur Eyges
Ffar Ih Y9ur Ehes Ffear Ihn Y9our Ehyes Fefar Inh Yo9ur Eyhes Frar Ij Y0ur E6es Y0our E6yes Ferar Inj Yo0ur Ey6es
F4ar Ib Ylur Eues F4ear Ibn Ylour Euyes Fe4ar Inb Yolur Eyues Fdar Yiur E7es Yiour E7yes Fedar Yoiur Ey7es
Fwar Youur Ejes Fwear Yor Ejyes Fewar Yoru Eyjes

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