Wouter Hamel
Ride That Sunbeam

If you're truly in love with him
follow your dream
ride that sunbeam

till you find what you're missing
you're bittersweet years
it's time to dry those tears

life will happen the way that it should
let your feelings guide you

don't settle for less
just aim for success
and love just might find you

if you put your mind to it
no hilltop to see
no ocean too deap
so just talk to me when you're alone and you're blue
love will find you

fate always works in mysterious ways
your path may be full of surprises
don't settle for less
just aim for success
and love just might find you

so just put on a smile
when you're feeling alone
don't sit and moan
and just talk to me when you're alone and you're blue
love will find you

Mirror lyrics:

love will find you
and just talk to me when you're alone and you're blue
don't sit and moan
when you're feeling alone
so just put on a smile

and love just might find you
just aim for success
don't settle for less
your path may be full of surprises
fate always works in mysterious ways

love will find you
so just talk to me when you're alone and you're blue
no ocean too deap
no hilltop to see
if you put your mind to it

and love just might find you
just aim for success
don't settle for less

let your feelings guide you
life will happen the way that it should

it's time to dry those tears
you're bittersweet years
till you find what you're missing

ride that sunbeam
follow your dream
If you're truly in love with him

Relevant Tags:
RRide TThat SSunbeam ide hat unbeam iRde hTat uSnbeam dide fhat zunbeam dRide fThat zSunbeam Rdide Tfhat Szunbeam
4ide 5hat wunbeam 4Ride 5That wSunbeam R4ide T5hat Swunbeam gide hhat dunbeam gRide hThat dSunbeam Rgide Thhat Sdunbeam
tide yhat eunbeam tRide yThat eSunbeam Rtide Tyhat Seunbeam 5ide 6hat xunbeam 5Ride 6That xSunbeam R5ide T6hat Sxunbeam
fide ghat aunbeam fRide gThat aSunbeam Rfide Tghat Saunbeam eide rhat Suunbeam eRide rThat Snbeam Reide Trhat Snubeam
Riide Shnbeam Rde Tat Shunbeam Rdie Taht Suhnbeam Rjde Tjat S7nbeam Rjide Tjhat S7unbeam Rijde Thjat Su7nbeam
R9de Tuat Sknbeam R9ide Tuhat Skunbeam Ri9de Thuat Suknbeam Rlde Tnat Sinbeam Rlide Tnhat Siunbeam Rilde Thnat Suinbeam
Rode Tbat S8nbeam Roide Tbhat S8unbeam Riode Thbat Su8nbeam Rkde Tgat Sjnbeam Rkide Sjunbeam Rikde Thgat Sujnbeam
R8de Tyat Synbeam R8ide Syunbeam Ri8de Thyat Suynbeam Rude Thaat Sunnbeam Ruide Tht Subeam Riude Thta Subneam
Ridde Thzt Sumbeam Rie Thzat Sumnbeam Ried Thazt Sunmbeam Rixe Thqt Suhbeam Rixde Thqat Ridxe Thaqt Sunhbeam
Riee Thst Sujbeam Riede Thsat Ridee Thast Sunjbeam Rife Thwt Subbeam Rifde Thwat Subnbeam Ridfe Thawt Sunbbeam
Rire Thxt

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