X Perience
Magic Fields [album Version]

I've met the strangers at a place
More than a million miles away
They were so nice, so full of grace
I know they came from far away

Now I'm walking on magic fields
I see the world is the only place to be
I'm walking on magic fields
I see the world is the only place to be

They took me to a foreign place
And then they thougt me to be strong
They told me not to go away
Even if anything goes wrong

Now I'm walking on magic fields
I see the world is the only place to be
I'm walking on magic fields
I see the world is the only place to be

I love the world I wouldn't leave
All the places we were born
I wait at midnight to receive
A final sign of their return

Now I'm walking on magic fields
I see the world is the only place to be
I'm walking on magic fields
I see the world is the only place to be

Now I'm walking on magic fields
I see the world is the only place to be
I'm walking on magic fields
I see the world is the only place to be

Now I'm walking on magic fields
I see the world is the only place to be
I'm walking on magic fields
I see the world is the only place to be

Mirror lyrics:

I see the world is the only place to be
I'm walking on magic fields
I see the world is the only place to be
Now I'm walking on magic fields

I see the world is the only place to be
I'm walking on magic fields
I see the world is the only place to be
Now I'm walking on magic fields

I see the world is the only place to be
I'm walking on magic fields
I see the world is the only place to be
Now I'm walking on magic fields

A final sign of their return
I wait at midnight to receive
All the places we were born
I love the world I wouldn't leave

I see the world is the only place to be
I'm walking on magic fields
I see the world is the only place to be
Now I'm walking on magic fields

Even if anything goes wrong
They told me not to go away
And then they thougt me to be strong
They took me to a foreign place

I see the world is the only place to be
I'm walking on magic fields
I see the world is the only place to be
Now I'm walking on magic fields

I know they came from far away
They were so nice, so full of grace
More than a million miles away
I've met the strangers at a place

Relevant Tags:
MMagic FFields [[album VVersion] agic ields album ersion] aMgic iFelds a[lbum eVrsion] jagic cields [aalbum bersion] jMagic cFields [lbum bVersion]
Mjagic Fcields [labum Vbersion] kagic rields [zlbum cersion] kMagic rFields [zalbum cVersion] Mkagic Frields [azlbum Vcersion] nagic gields [qlbum gersion]
nMagic gFields [qalbum gVersion] Mnagic Fgields [aqlbum Vgersion] Maagic tields [slbum fersion] Mgic tFields [salbum fVersion] Mgaic Ftields [aslbum Vfersion]
Mzgic vields [wlbum Veersion] Mzagic vFields [walbum Vrsion] Mazgic Fvields [awlbum Vresion] Mqgic dields [xlbum Vsrsion] Mqagic dFields [xalbum Vsersion]
Maqgic Fdields [axlbum Vesrsion] Msgic Fiields [allbum V3rsion] Msagic Felds [abum V3ersion] Masgic Feilds [ablum Ve3rsion] Mwgic Fjelds [akbum Vfrsion]
Mwagic Fjields [aklbum Mawgic Fijelds [alkbum Vefrsion] Mxgic F9elds [aobum Vrrsion] Mxagic F9ields [aolbum Vrersion] Maxgic Fi9elds [alobum Verrsion]
Maggic Flelds [apbum V4rsion] Maic Flields [aplbum V4ersion] Maigc Filelds [alpbum Ve4rsion] Mahic Foelds [albbum Vdrsion] Mahgic Foields [alum Vdersion]
Maghic Fioelds [alubm Vedrsion] Mayic Fkelds [alvum Vwrsion] Maygic Fkields [alvbum Vwersion] Magyic Fikelds [albvum Vewrsion] Mabic F8elds [algum
Mabgic F8ields [algbum Vesion] Magbic Fi8elds [albgum Vesrion] Mavic Fuelds [alnum Vedsion] Mavgic Fuields [alnbum Magvic Fiuelds [albnum Verdsion]
Mafic Fieelds [alhum Ve4sion] Mafgic Filds [alhbum Magfic Fileds [albhum Ver4sion] Matic Fislds [albuum Vegsion] Matgic Fiselds [albm Vegrsion]
Magtic Fieslds [albmu Vergsion] Magiic Fi3lds [albhm Vetsion] Magc Fi3elds Vetrsion] Magci Fie3lds [albuhm Vertsion] Magjc Fiflds [alb7m Ve5sion]
Magjic Fifelds [alb7um Ve5rsion] Magijc Fieflds [albu7m Ver5sion] Mag9c Firlds [albkm Vefsion] Mag9ic Firelds [albkum Magi9c Fierlds [albukm Verfsion]
Maglc Fi4lds [albim Veesion] Maglic Fi4elds [albium Magilc Fie4lds [albuim Veresion] Magoc Fidlds [alb8m Verssion] Magoic Fidelds [alb8um Verion]
Magioc Fiedlds [albu8m Verison]

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