Noone But Yourself

by Costin TuculescuScratches on the blackboard.
Laughing at the Pain.Nothing is Eternal,
but the sun will shine and the moon will fall.
A bruise on your forehead,
imposes on your thoughts,nothing is Eternal,
but the sun will shine and the moon will fall.
Take me down, so high,and we'll embrace the sky.
Take me down, so hign,and you will learn to fly.
If you can count your friends,
on your five fingers,then you, my friend are better than I!

Mirror lyrics:

on your five fingers,then you, my friend are better than I!
If you can count your friends,
Take me down, so hign,and you will learn to fly.
Take me down, so high,and we'll embrace the sky.
but the sun will shine and the moon will fall.
imposes on your thoughts,nothing is Eternal,
A bruise on your forehead,
but the sun will shine and the moon will fall.
Laughing at the Pain.Nothing is Eternal,
by Costin TuculescuScratches on the blackboard.

Relevant Tags:
NNoone BBut YYourself oone ut ourself oNone uBt oYurself moone vut gourself mNoone vBut gYourself Nmoone Bvut Ygourself
hoone gut hourself hNoone gBut hYourself Nhoone Bgut Yhourself joone nut 6ourself jNoone nBut 6Yourself Njoone Bnut Y6ourself
boone hut uourself bNoone hBut uYourself Nboone Bhut Yuourself Nooone Buut 7ourself None Bt 7Yourself Noone Btu Y7ourself
Nkone Bht jourself Nkoone jYourself Nokone Buht Yjourself N9one B7t tourself N9oone B7ut tYourself No9one Bu7t Ytourself
N0one Bkt Yoourself N0oone Bkut Yurself No0one Bukt Yuorself Nlone Bit Ykurself Nloone Biut Ykourself Nolone Buit Yokurself
Nione B8t Y9urself Nioone B8ut Y9ourself Noione Bu8t Yo9urself Bjt Y0urself Bjut Y0ourself Nonoe Bujt Yo0urself
Nokne Byt Ylurself Byut Ylourself Nookne Buyt Yolurself No9ne Butt Yiurself Bu Yiourself Noo9ne But Yoiurself
No0ne Buf Youurself Buft Yorself Noo0ne Butf Yoruself Nolne Bu5 Yohrself Bu5t Yohurself Noolne But5 Youhrself
Noine Buh Yo7rself Yo7urself Nooine Buth You7rself Noonne Buy Yokrself Nooe Nooen Buty Youkrself
Noome Bu6 Yoirself Noomne Bu6t Noonme But6 Youirself Noohe Bug Yo8rself Noohne Bugt Yo8urself Noonhe Butg You8rself
Nooje Bur Yojrself Noojne Burt Yojurself Noonje Butr Youjrself Noobe Yoyrself Noobne Yoyurself Noonbe Youyrself
Noonee Yourrself Noon Youself Yousrelf Noons Youdself Noonse Youdrself Noones Yourdself
Noon3 You4self Noon3e You4rself Noone3 Your4self Noonf Yougself Noonfe Yougrself Noonef Yourgself
Noonr Youtself Noonre Youtrself

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