Walter Egan
Reason Why

by Gene Clark

If I was strong then I wouldn't care if she was here or she was there
But I guess I didn't go by the rule
'Cause she really made me look like a fool
I shouldn't have let her hurt me at all
'Cause I know the price you pay when you fall
But I couldn't believe it was true
When she told me we were through

And the reason why I cry I wish I knew

My friends told me about her, when they saw me hold her hand
But I didn't think they knew her
So how could they understand

I couldn't hear a word they were saying 'cause inside my head
The music was playing
But I found out it was all true when they told me we were through
And the reason why I die I wish I knew

Inst bridge

Repeat v3
And the reason why I cry I wish I knew
I wish I knew, I wish I knew

Mirror lyrics:

I wish I knew, I wish I knew
And the reason why I cry I wish I knew
Repeat v3

Inst bridge

And the reason why I die I wish I knew
But I found out it was all true when they told me we were through
The music was playing
I couldn't hear a word they were saying 'cause inside my head

So how could they understand
But I didn't think they knew her
My friends told me about her, when they saw me hold her hand

And the reason why I cry I wish I knew

When she told me we were through
But I couldn't believe it was true
'Cause I know the price you pay when you fall
I shouldn't have let her hurt me at all
'Cause she really made me look like a fool
But I guess I didn't go by the rule
If I was strong then I wouldn't care if she was here or she was there

by Gene Clark

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eReason qWhy Reeason Wqhy Whhy Rason Wy Raeson Wyh Rsason Wjy Rseason Wjhy Resason Whjy R3ason Wuy R3eason Wuhy Re3ason Whuy
Rfason Wny Wnhy Refason Whny Rrason Wby Rreason Wbhy Rerason Whby R4ason Wgy Wghy Re4ason Whgy Rdason Wyy Wyhy
Redason Whyy Rwason Rweason Wh Rewason Why Reaason Whg Reson Resaon Whyg Rezson Whh Rezason Reazson Whyh Reqson Wh6

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