Walter Egan
I'd Rather Have Fun

Well, the shoutin' and the shootin'
Yeah, the shoutin' and the shootin'
Ooh, yeah, I don't know
Well, I'm so tired of hearing
I'm so tired of hearing, I'm so tired of hearing
About the shoutin' and the shootin'

When it's all said and done
I think I'd rather have fun

Yeah, the lyin' and the cheatin'
Ooh, the lyin' and deceivin'
Ooh, yeah, I don't know, just don't know
Well, I'm so tired of hearing
I'm so tired of hearing, I'm so tired of hearing
About the lyin' and the cheatin'

When it's all said and done
I think I'd rather have fun, yeah
When it's all said and done
I think I'd rather have fun
Ooh, yeah

Well, the talkin' and squawkin', yeah
The talk, talk, talkin' and squawkin'
Ooh, yeah, I don't know
Well, I'm so tired of hearing
I'm so tired of hearing, I'm so tired of hearing
About the talkin' and the squawkin'
I'm so tired of hearing
I'm so tired of hearing, I'm so tired of hearing
About the lyin' and the cheatin'
I'm so tired of hearing
I'm so tired of hearing, I'm so tired of hearing
About the shoutin' and the shootin'

When it's all said and done
I think I'd rather have fun
C'mon! Have fun!
When it's all said and done
I think I'd rather have fun, yeah
When it's all said and done
I think I'd rather have fun, yeah
When it's all said and done
I think I'd rather have fun
Come on!

Ooh, rather have fun
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah...

Mirror lyrics:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah...
Ooh, rather have fun

Come on!
I think I'd rather have fun
When it's all said and done
I think I'd rather have fun, yeah
When it's all said and done
I think I'd rather have fun, yeah
When it's all said and done
C'mon! Have fun!
I think I'd rather have fun
When it's all said and done

About the shoutin' and the shootin'
I'm so tired of hearing, I'm so tired of hearing
I'm so tired of hearing
About the lyin' and the cheatin'
I'm so tired of hearing, I'm so tired of hearing
I'm so tired of hearing
About the talkin' and the squawkin'
I'm so tired of hearing, I'm so tired of hearing
Well, I'm so tired of hearing
Ooh, yeah, I don't know
The talk, talk, talkin' and squawkin'
Well, the talkin' and squawkin', yeah

Ooh, yeah
I think I'd rather have fun
When it's all said and done
I think I'd rather have fun, yeah
When it's all said and done

About the lyin' and the cheatin'
I'm so tired of hearing, I'm so tired of hearing
Well, I'm so tired of hearing
Ooh, yeah, I don't know, just don't know
Ooh, the lyin' and deceivin'
Yeah, the lyin' and the cheatin'

I think I'd rather have fun
When it's all said and done

About the shoutin' and the shootin'
I'm so tired of hearing, I'm so tired of hearing
Well, I'm so tired of hearing
Ooh, yeah, I don't know
Yeah, the shoutin' and the shootin'
Well, the shoutin' and the shootin'

Relevant Tags:
II'd RRather HHave FFun 'd ather ave un 'Id aRther aHve uFn j'd dather jave cun jI'd dRather jHave cFun Ij'd Rdather Hjave Fcun
9'd 4ather uave run 9I'd 4Rather uHave rFun I9'd R4ather Huave Frun l'd gather nave gun lI'd gRather nHave gFun Il'd Rgather Hnave Fgun
o'd tather bave tun oI'd tRather bHave tFun Io'd Rtather Hbave Ftun k'd 5ather gave vun kI'd 5Rather gHave vFun Ik'd R5ather Hgave Fvun
8'd father yave dun 8I'd fRather yHave dFun I8'd Rfather Hyave Fdun u'd eather Haave Fuun uI'd eRather Hve Fn Iu'd Reather Hvae Fnu
I''d Raather Hzve Fhn Id Rther Hzave Fhun Id' Rtaher Hazve Fuhn I'dd Rzther Hqve F7n I' Rzather Hqave F7un I'd Razther Haqve Fu7n
I'x Rqther Hsve Fkn I'xd Rqather Hsave Fkun I'dx Raqther Hasve Fukn I'e Rsther Hwve Fin I'ed Rsather Hwave Fiun I'de Rasther Hawve Fuin
I'f Rwther Hxve F8n I'fd Rwather Hxave F8un I'df Rawther Haxve Fu8n I'r Rxther Havve Fjn I'rd Rxather Hae Fjun I'dr Raxther Haev Fujn
I'c Ratther Habe Fyn I'cd Raher Habve Fyun I'dc Rahter Havbe Fuyn I's Rafher Hace Funn I'sd Rafther Hacve Fu I'ds Ratfher Havce Fun
Ra5her Hage Fum Ra5ther Hagve Fumn Rat5her Havge Funm Rahher Hafe Fuh Rahther Hafve Rathher Havfe Funh
Rayher Havee Fuj Rayther Hav Ratyher Have Funj Ra6her Havs Fub Ra6ther Havse Fubn Rat6her Haves Funb
Ragher Hav3 Ragther Hav3e Ratgher Have3 Rarher Havf

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