Jon Oliva's Pain
The Evil Beside You

When we were young but never told
How the world could be so cold
As we change from young to old
The night takes us away
The night takes us away

As the day falls to the night
Then we take the stage
Play the game of life
Where everyone's just trying to succeed

At dawn as the day begins
To weave our way through a world of sin
Temptation only leads to agony

And I can feel your tired, starving
Try to break through

Feel the weight of the world upon you
There's nothing but Evil beside you
Watch out cause they're coming to get you
Another day just trying to get through

Live, love at times we grieve
But there's so much more that we really need
Seems all there is are sketchy prophecies

Scratch, claw just to survive
Have to fight our way through this world of lies
Just so we can feed our families

And I can feel your tired, starving
Try to break through

Feel the weight of the world upon you
There's nothing but Evil beside you
Watch out cause they're coming to get you
Another day just trying to get through

Mirror lyrics:

Another day just trying to get through
Watch out cause they're coming to get you
There's nothing but Evil beside you
Feel the weight of the world upon you

Try to break through
And I can feel your tired, starving

Just so we can feed our families
Have to fight our way through this world of lies
Scratch, claw just to survive

Seems all there is are sketchy prophecies
But there's so much more that we really need
Live, love at times we grieve

Another day just trying to get through
Watch out cause they're coming to get you
There's nothing but Evil beside you
Feel the weight of the world upon you

Try to break through
And I can feel your tired, starving

Temptation only leads to agony
To weave our way through a world of sin
At dawn as the day begins

Where everyone's just trying to succeed
Play the game of life
Then we take the stage
As the day falls to the night

The night takes us away
The night takes us away
As we change from young to old
How the world could be so cold
When we were young but never told

Relevant Tags:
TThe EEvil BBeside YYou he vil eside ou hTe vEil eBside oYu fhe svil veside gou fThe sEvil vBeside gYou Tfhe Esvil Bveside Ygou
5he 3vil geside hou 5The 3Evil gBeside hYou T5he E3vil Bgeside Yhou hhe fvil neside 6ou hThe fEvil nBeside 6You Thhe Efvil Bneside Y6ou
yhe rvil heside uou yThe rEvil hBeside uYou Tyhe Ervil Bheside Yuou 6he 4vil Beeside 7ou 6The 4Evil Bside 7You T6he E4vil Bseide Y7ou
ghe dvil Bsside jou gThe dEvil Bseside jYou Tghe Edvil Besside Yjou rhe wvil B3side tou rThe wEvil B3eside tYou Trhe Ewvil Be3side Ytou
Evvil Bfside Yoou Te Eil Bfeside Yu Teh Eivl Befside Yuo Tje Ebil Brside Yku Tjhe Ebvil Breside Ykou Thje Evbil Berside Yoku
Tue Ecil B4side Y9u Tuhe Ecvil B4eside Y9ou Thue Evcil Be4side Yo9u Tne Egil Bdside Y0u Tnhe Egvil Bdeside Y0ou Thne Evgil Bedside Yo0u
Tbe Efil Bwside Ylu Tbhe Bweside Ylou Thbe Evfil Bewside Yolu Tge Eviil Yiu Evl Beide Yiou Thge Evli Beisde Yoiu
Tye Evjl Bezide Youu Evjil Bezside Yo Thye Evijl Beszide You Thee Ev9l Bewide Yoh Th Ev9il Yohu The Evi9l Beswide Youh
Ths Evll Bedide Yo7 Thse Evlil Yo7u Thes Evill Besdide You7 Th3 Evol Beeide Yok Th3e Evoil The3 Eviol Beseide Youk
Thf Evkl Bexide Yoi Thfe Evkil Bexside Thef Evikl Besxide Youi Thr Ev8l Beaide Yo8 Thre Ev8il Beaside Yo8u Ther Evi8l Besaide You8

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