Silence Never Speaks

Welcome back my friend,
It's good to see your face again
I'm glad to see you're up and feeling fine
So many things have changed,
There's a lot of catching up to do
You've been asleep for quite some time
The truth that made us free
Is choked with apathy,
And there's a crack in our foundation

So hold on, hold on, we're in
For a bumpy ride

Our nation's got a situation,
And God gave you a voice
So come on, come on, it's time
To make a choice

'Cuz silence never speaks
So God gave you a voice

The question now at hand
Is "What's the battle plan?
To retrieve all that's been taken"
Well, silence never speaks
So it's up to you and me
To obtain amplification

So get up
Stand up
Shout it out
From the mountains high

The morals made of grey
Are destined for decay
We need to get back to black and white

We're in a desperate situation
And God gave you a voice
'Cuz silence never speaks
And God gave you a voice

Godly leadership is underrated
And God gave you a voice
The condition of our nation's understated
And God gave you a voice
And silence never speaks

Our nation's got a situation
And God gave you a voice
So come on, come on, it's time
To make a choice

'Cuz silence never speaks
So God gave you a voice

Godly leadership is underrated
And God gave you a voice
The condition of our nation's understated
And God gave you a voice
And the trust in what we have is all but faded
And God gave you a voice
And we're all in danger of becoming jaded
And God gave you a voice

And God gave you a voice

And God gave you a voice

And God gave you a voice

Mirror lyrics:

And God gave you a voice

And God gave you a voice

And God gave you a voice

And God gave you a voice
And we're all in danger of becoming jaded
And God gave you a voice
And the trust in what we have is all but faded
And God gave you a voice
The condition of our nation's understated
And God gave you a voice
Godly leadership is underrated

So God gave you a voice
'Cuz silence never speaks

To make a choice
So come on, come on, it's time
And God gave you a voice
Our nation's got a situation

And silence never speaks
And God gave you a voice
The condition of our nation's understated
And God gave you a voice
Godly leadership is underrated

And God gave you a voice
'Cuz silence never speaks
And God gave you a voice
We're in a desperate situation

We need to get back to black and white
Are destined for decay
The morals made of grey

From the mountains high
Shout it out
Stand up
So get up

To obtain amplification
So it's up to you and me
Well, silence never speaks
To retrieve all that's been taken"
Is "What's the battle plan?
The question now at hand

So God gave you a voice
'Cuz silence never speaks

To make a choice
So come on, come on, it's time
And God gave you a voice
Our nation's got a situation,

For a bumpy ride
So hold on, hold on, we're in

And there's a crack in our foundation
Is choked with apathy,
The truth that made us free
You've been asleep for quite some time
There's a lot of catching up to do
So many things have changed,
I'm glad to see you're up and feeling fine
It's good to see your face again
Welcome back my friend,

Relevant Tags:
SSilence NNever SSpeaks ilence ever peaks iSlence eNver pSeaks zilence mever zpeaks zSilence mNever zSpeaks Szilence Nmever Szpeaks
wilence hever wpeaks wSilence hNever wSpeaks Swilence Nhever Swpeaks dilence jever dpeaks dSilence jNever dSpeaks Sdilence Njever Sdpeaks
eilence bever epeaks eSilence bNever eSpeaks Seilence Nbever Sepeaks xilence Neever xpeaks xSilence Nver xSpeaks Sxilence Nveer Sxpeaks
ailence Nsver apeaks aSilence Nsever aSpeaks Sailence Nesver Sapeaks Siilence N3ver Sppeaks Slence N3ever Seaks Slience Ne3ver Sepaks
Sjlence Nfver S0eaks Sjilence Nfever S0peaks Sijlence Nefver Sp0eaks S9lence Nrver Sleaks S9ilence Nrever Slpeaks Si9lence Nerver Spleaks
Sllence N4ver Soeaks Slilence N4ever Sopeaks Sillence Ne4ver Spoeaks Solence Ndver Speeaks Soilence Ndever Spaks Siolence Nedver Spaeks
Sklence Nwver Spsaks Skilence Nwever Spseaks Siklence Newver Spesaks S8lence Nevver Sp3aks S8ilence Neer Sp3eaks Si8lence Neevr Spe3aks
Sulence Neber Spfaks Suilence Nebver Spfeaks Siulence Nevber Spefaks Necer Spraks Sience Necver Spreaks Sielnce Nevcer Speraks
Sikence Neger Sp4aks Negver Sp4eaks Silkence Nevger Spe4aks Sioence Nefer Spdaks Spdeaks Siloence Nevfer Spedaks
Sipence Neveer Spwaks Siplence Nevr Spweaks Silpence Nevre Spewaks Sileence Nevsr Speaaks Silnce Nevser Speks Silnece Nevesr Spekas
Silsnce Nev3r Spezks Silsence Nev3er Spezaks Silesnce Neve3r Speazks Sil3nce Nevfr Speqks Sil3ence Speqaks

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