Johnny Cash
Sing It Pretty, Sue

So you gave up all between us for a glamorous career
And with all your talent, you should be the big star of the year
Then you'll be public property, so, I release my claim to you
Go on and give 'em all you've got, sing it pretty, Sue

I can't take just part of you and give the world a half
So, smile for all the papers and give 'em autographs
Go on to all the cities so your public can see you
But I'll watch on television, so, sing it pretty, Sue

I hope you'll soon be on the top of every hit parade
I'll try to be excited 'bout the progress that you've made
I'll collect your pictures like any fan would do
And I'll buy all your records, so, sing it pretty, Sue

But I won't ever tell a soul that we have ever met
I'll just be one of millions who'll give the praise you get
And maybe every year or so, I'll drop a card to you
To tell you I'm still listening, so, sing it pretty, Sue

Mirror lyrics:

To tell you I'm still listening, so, sing it pretty, Sue
And maybe every year or so, I'll drop a card to you
I'll just be one of millions who'll give the praise you get
But I won't ever tell a soul that we have ever met

And I'll buy all your records, so, sing it pretty, Sue
I'll collect your pictures like any fan would do
I'll try to be excited 'bout the progress that you've made
I hope you'll soon be on the top of every hit parade

But I'll watch on television, so, sing it pretty, Sue
Go on to all the cities so your public can see you
So, smile for all the papers and give 'em autographs
I can't take just part of you and give the world a half

Go on and give 'em all you've got, sing it pretty, Sue
Then you'll be public property, so, I release my claim to you
And with all your talent, you should be the big star of the year
So you gave up all between us for a glamorous career

Relevant Tags:
SSing IIt PPretty, SSue ing t retty, ue iSng tI rPetty, uSe zing jt 0retty, zue zSing jIt 0Pretty, zSue Szing Ijt P0retty, Szue
wing 9t lretty, wue wSing 9It lPretty, wSue Swing I9t Plretty, Swue ding lt oretty, due dSing lIt oPretty, dSue Sding Ilt Poretty, Sdue
eing ot Prretty, eue eSing oIt Petty, eSue Seing Iot Pertty, Seue xing kt Pdetty, xue xSing kIt Pdretty, xSue Sxing Ikt Prdetty, Sxue
aing 8t P4etty, aue aSing 8It P4retty, aSue Saing I8t Pr4etty, Saue Siing ut Pgetty, Suue Sng uIt Pgretty, Se Snig Iut Prgetty, Seu
Sjng Itt Ptetty, She Sjing I Ptretty, Shue Sijng It Prtetty, Suhe S9ng If P5etty, S7e S9ing Ift P5retty, S7ue Si9ng Itf Pr5etty, Su7e
Slng I5 Pfetty, Ske Sling I5t Pfretty, Skue Silng It5 Prfetty, Suke Song Ih Peetty, Sie Soing Iht Peretty, Siue Siong Ith Preetty, Suie
Skng Iy S8e Sking Iyt Prtty, S8ue Sikng Ity Prtety, Su8e S8ng I6 Prstty, Sje S8ing I6t Prsetty, Sjue Si8ng It6 Prestty, Suje
Sung Ig Pr3tty, Sye Suing Igt Pr3etty, Syue Siung Itg Pre3tty, Suye Sinng Ir Prftty, Suee Sig Irt Su Sign Itr Preftty, Sue
Simg Prrtty, Sus Simng Suse Sinmg Prertty, Sues Sihg Pr4tty, Su3 Sihng Su3e Sinhg Pre4tty, Sue3
Sijg Prdtty, Suf Sufe Sinjg Predtty, Suef

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