Johnny Cash
The L & N Don't Stop Here Anymore

When I was a curly headed baby
My daddy sat me down upon his knee
He said, "Boy, you go to school and learn your letters
Don't you be a dirty miner like me"

I was born and raised in the mouth of the Hazard Hollow
Coal cars rambled past my door
Now they're standin' in a rusty row all empty
And the L & N
Don't stop here anymore

I used to think my daddy was a black man
With script enough to buy the company store
Now he goes downtown with empty pockets
And his face is white as a February snow

I was born and raised in the mouth of the Hazard Hollow
Coal cars rambled past my door
Now they're standin' in a rusty row all empty
And the L & N
Don't stop here anymore

Last night I dreamed I went down to the coal yard
To draw my pay like I always did before
But them ol' kudzu vines were comin' through the window
And the leaves and grass were growin' through the floor

I was born and raised in the mouth of the Hazard Hollow
Coal cars rambled past my door
Now they're standin' in a rusty row all empty
And the L & N
Don't stop here anymore

Mirror lyrics:

Don't stop here anymore
And the L & N
Now they're standin' in a rusty row all empty
Coal cars rambled past my door
I was born and raised in the mouth of the Hazard Hollow

And the leaves and grass were growin' through the floor
But them ol' kudzu vines were comin' through the window
To draw my pay like I always did before
Last night I dreamed I went down to the coal yard

Don't stop here anymore
And the L & N
Now they're standin' in a rusty row all empty
Coal cars rambled past my door
I was born and raised in the mouth of the Hazard Hollow

And his face is white as a February snow
Now he goes downtown with empty pockets
With script enough to buy the company store
I used to think my daddy was a black man

Don't stop here anymore
And the L & N
Now they're standin' in a rusty row all empty
Coal cars rambled past my door
I was born and raised in the mouth of the Hazard Hollow

Don't you be a dirty miner like me"
He said, "Boy, you go to school and learn your letters
My daddy sat me down upon his knee
When I was a curly headed baby

Relevant Tags:
TThe LL && NN DDon't SStop HHere AAnymore he on't top ere nymore hTe L & N oDn't tSop eHre nAymore fhe k m xon't ztop jere znymore fThe kL mN xDon't zStop jHere zAnymore
Tfhe Lk Nm Dxon't Sztop Hjere Aznymore 5he o h eon't wtop uere qnymore 5The oL hN eDon't wStop uHere qAnymore T5he Lo Nh Deon't Swtop Huere Aqnymore hhe p j fon't dtop nere snymore
hThe pL jN fDon't dStop nHere sAnymore Thhe Lp Nj Dfon't Sdtop Hnere Asnymore yhe b ron't etop bere wnymore yThe bN rDon't eStop bHere wAnymore Tyhe Nb Dron't Setop Hbere Awnymore
6he con't xtop gere xnymore 6The cDon't xStop gHere xAnymore T6he Dcon't Sxtop Hgere Axnymore ghe son't atop yere Annymore gThe sDon't aStop yHere Aymore
Tghe Dson't Satop Hyere Aynmore rhe Doon't Sttop Heere Amymore rThe Dn't Sop Hre Amnymore Trhe Dno't Sotp Hree Anmymore Dkn't Sfop Hsre Ahymore
Te Dkon't Sftop Hsere Ahnymore Teh Dokn't Stfop Hesre Anhymore Tje D9n't S5op H3re Ajymore Tjhe D9on't S5top H3ere Ajnymore Thje Do9n't St5op He3re Anjymore
Tue D0n't Shop Hfre Abymore Tuhe D0on't Shtop Hfere Abnymore Thue Do0n't Sthop Hefre Anbymore Tne Dln't Syop Hrre Anyymore Tnhe Dlon't Sytop Hrere Anmore
Thne Doln't Styop Herre Anmyore Tbe Din't S6op H4re Angmore Tbhe Dion't S6top H4ere Angymore Thbe Doin't St6op He4re Anygmore Tge Donn't Sgop Hdre Anhmore
Do't Sgtop Hdere Thge Do'nt Stgop Hedre Anyhmore Tye Dom't Srop Hwre An6more Domn't Srtop Hwere An6ymore Thye Donm't Strop Hewre Any6more
Thee Doh't Stoop Anumore Th Dohn't Stp Hee Anuymore The Donh't Stpo Heer Anyumore Ths Doj't Stkp Hede An7more Thse Dojn't Stkop An7ymore
Thes Donj't Stokp Herde Any7more Th3 Dob't St9p He4e Anjmore Th3e Dobn't St9op The3 Donb't Sto9p Her4e Anyjmore Thf Don''t St0p Hege Antmore
Thfe Dont St0op Hegre Antymore Thef Dont' Sto0p Herge Anytmore Thr Don'tt Stlp Hete Anymmore Thre Don' Stlop Hetre Anyore Ther Don't Stolp Herte Anyomre
Th4 Don'f Stip He5e Anyjore Th4e Don'ft Stiop He5re The4 Don'tf Stoip Her5e Anymjore

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