Johnny Cash
Pickin' Time

I got cotton in the bottom land
It's up and growin' and I got a good stand
My good wife and them kids of mine
Gonna get new shoes, come pickin' time
Get new shoes come pickin' time

Every night when I go to bed
I thank the Lord that my kids are fed
They live on beans eight days and nine
But I get 'em fat come pickin' time
Get 'em fat come come pickin' time

The corn is yellow and the beans are high
The sun is hot in the summer sky
The work is hard till layin' by
Layin' by till pickin' time
Layin' by till pickin' time

It's hard to see by the coal-oil light
And I turn it off purty early at night
'Cause a jug of coal-oil costs a dime
But I stay up late come pickin' time
Stay up late come pickin' time

My old wagon barely gets me to town
I patched the wheels and I watered 'em down
Keep her in shape so she'll be fine
To haul my cotton come pickin' time
Haul my cotton come pickin' time

Last Sunday mornin' when they passed the hat
It was still nearly empty back where I sat
But the preacher smiled and said that's fine
The Lord'll wait till pickin' time
The Lord'll wait till pickin' time

Mirror lyrics:

The Lord'll wait till pickin' time
The Lord'll wait till pickin' time
But the preacher smiled and said that's fine
It was still nearly empty back where I sat
Last Sunday mornin' when they passed the hat

Haul my cotton come pickin' time
To haul my cotton come pickin' time
Keep her in shape so she'll be fine
I patched the wheels and I watered 'em down
My old wagon barely gets me to town

Stay up late come pickin' time
But I stay up late come pickin' time
'Cause a jug of coal-oil costs a dime
And I turn it off purty early at night
It's hard to see by the coal-oil light

Layin' by till pickin' time
Layin' by till pickin' time
The work is hard till layin' by
The sun is hot in the summer sky
The corn is yellow and the beans are high

Get 'em fat come come pickin' time
But I get 'em fat come pickin' time
They live on beans eight days and nine
I thank the Lord that my kids are fed
Every night when I go to bed

Get new shoes come pickin' time
Gonna get new shoes, come pickin' time
My good wife and them kids of mine
It's up and growin' and I got a good stand
I got cotton in the bottom land

Relevant Tags:
PPickin' TTime ickin' ime iPckin' iTme 0ickin' fime 0Pickin' fTime P0ickin' Tfime lickin' 5ime lPickin' 5Time Plickin' T5ime
oickin' hime oPickin' hTime Poickin' Thime Piickin' yime Pckin' yTime Pcikin' Tyime Pjckin' 6ime Pjickin' 6Time Pijckin' T6ime
P9ckin' gime P9ickin' gTime Pi9ckin' Tgime Plckin' rime rTime Pilckin' Trime Pockin' Tiime Tme Piockin' Tmie
Pkckin' Tjme Pkickin' Tjime Pikckin' Tijme P8ckin' T9me P8ickin' T9ime Pi8ckin' Ti9me Puckin' Tlme Puickin' Tlime Piuckin' Tilme
Picckin' Tome Pikin' Toime Pikcin' Tiome Pifkin' Tkme Pifckin' Tkime Picfkin' Tikme Pixkin' T8me Pixckin' T8ime Picxkin' Ti8me
Pivkin' Tume Pivckin' Tuime Picvkin' Tiume Pidkin' Timme Pidckin' Tie Picdkin' Tiem Pickkin' Tije

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