Johnny Cash
Old Account Was Settled Long Ago

Well, it was a time on earth
When in the books of heaven
An old account was standing
For sins yet unforgiven

My name was at the top
And many things below
But I went unto the keeper
And settled it long ago

Long ago, long ago
(Down on my knees I settled it all)
Yes, the old account was settled long ago

And the record's clear today
'Cause He washed my sins away
And the old account was settled long ago

Well, the old account was large
And growin' every day
And I was always sinnin'
And I never tried to pray

But when I looked ahead
And saw such pain and woe
Well, I went unto the keeper
And settled it long ago

Long ago, long ago
(Down on my knees I settled it all)
Yes, the old account was settled long ago

And the record's clear today
'Cause He washed my sins away
And the old account was settled long ago

Now sinner seek the Lord
Repent of all your sins
'Cause this He has commanded
If you would enter in

And then if you should live
A hundred years below
Well, you know you got it settled
'Cause you settled it long ago

Long ago, long ago
(Down on my knees I settled it all)
Yes, the old account was settled long ago

And the record's clear today
'Cause He washed my sins away
And the old account was settled long ago
Long ago

Mirror lyrics:

Long ago
And the old account was settled long ago
'Cause He washed my sins away
And the record's clear today

Yes, the old account was settled long ago
(Down on my knees I settled it all)
Long ago, long ago

'Cause you settled it long ago
Well, you know you got it settled
A hundred years below
And then if you should live

If you would enter in
'Cause this He has commanded
Repent of all your sins
Now sinner seek the Lord

And the old account was settled long ago
'Cause He washed my sins away
And the record's clear today

Yes, the old account was settled long ago
(Down on my knees I settled it all)
Long ago, long ago

And settled it long ago
Well, I went unto the keeper
And saw such pain and woe
But when I looked ahead

And I never tried to pray
And I was always sinnin'
And growin' every day
Well, the old account was large

And the old account was settled long ago
'Cause He washed my sins away
And the record's clear today

Yes, the old account was settled long ago
(Down on my knees I settled it all)
Long ago, long ago

And settled it long ago
But I went unto the keeper
And many things below
My name was at the top

For sins yet unforgiven
An old account was standing
When in the books of heaven
Well, it was a time on earth

Relevant Tags:
OOld AAccount WWas SSettled LLong AAgo ld ccount as ettled ong go lOd cAcount aWs eSttled oLng gAo kld zccount aas zettled kong zgo kOld zAccount aWas zSettled kLong zAgo
Okld Azccount Waas Szettled Lkong Azgo 9ld qccount 3as wettled oong qgo 9Old qAccount 3Was wSettled oLong qAgo O9ld Aqccount W3as Swettled Loong Aqgo 0ld sccount das dettled pong sgo
0Old sAccount dWas dSettled pLong sAgo O0ld Asccount Wdas Sdettled Lpong Asgo lld wccount eas eettled wgo lOld wAccount eWas eSettled Lng wAgo Olld Awccount Weas Seettled Lnog Awgo
ild xccount sas xettled Lkng xgo iOld xAccount sWas xSettled xAgo Oild Axccount Wsas Sxettled Lokng Axgo Acccount 2as aettled L9ng Aggo Od Acount 2Was aSettled L9ong Ao
Odl Account W2as Saettled Lo9ng Aog Okd Afcount qas L0ng Aho Afccount qWas Sttled L0ong Ahgo Olkd Acfcount Wqas Stetled Lo0ng Agho Ood Axcount Ssttled Llng Ayo
Oold Ws Ssettled Llong Aygo Olod Acxcount Wsa Sesttled Lolng Agyo Opd Avcount Wzs S3ttled Ling Abo Opld Avccount Wzas S3ettled Liong Abgo Olpd Acvcount Wazs Se3ttled Loing Agbo
Oldd Adcount Wqs Sfttled Lonng Avo Ol Adccount Sfettled Log Avgo Old Acdcount Waqs Sefttled Logn Agvo Olx Wss Srttled Lomg Afo Olxd Srettled Lomng Afgo
Oldx Acocunt Wass Serttled Lonmg Agfo Ole Acfount Wws S4ttled Lohg Ato Oled Wwas S4ettled Lohng Atgo Olde Accfount Waws Se4ttled Lonhg Agto Olf Acxount Wxs Sdttled Lojg Agoo
Olfd Wxas Lojng Ag Oldf Accxount Waxs Sedttled Lonjg Ago Olr Acvount Swttled Lobg Agk Olrd Wa Lobng Agko Oldr Accvount Was Sewttled Lonbg Agok
Olc Acdount Waz Setttled Longg Ag9 Olcd Setled Lon Ag9o Oldc Accdount Wasz Settled Long Ago9 Ols Accoount Waw Seftled Lonh Ag0 Olsd Accunt Ag0o
Olds Accuont Wasw Setftled Longh Ago0 Acckunt Wad Se5tled Lony Agl Acckount Wads Se5ttled Lonyg Aglo Accokunt Wasd Set5tled Longy Agol Acc9unt Wae Sehtled Lonb Agi
Acc9ount Waes Sehttled Agio Acco9unt Wase Sethtled Longb Agoi Acc0unt Wax Seytled Lonv Acc0ount Seyttled Lonvg Acco0unt Wasx Setytled Longv
Acclunt Waa Se6tled Lonf Acclount Se6ttled Lonfg Accolunt Wasa Set6tled Longf Acciunt Segtled Lont Acciount Segttled Lontg

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