Johnny Cash
Mean Eyed Cat

I give my woman half my money at the general store
I said, "Now buy a little groceries, and don't spend no more"
But she gave ten dollars for a ten cent hat
And bought some store bought cat food for that mean eyed cat

When I woke up this mornin' and I turned my head
There wasn't a cotton pickin' thing on her side of the bed
I found a little old note where her head belonged
It said, "Dear John, honey, baby, I'm long gone"

When I heard a whistle blowin', and the big wheels a-turnin'
I was scared as I could be
But I put on my overalls and I headed to town
Gonna bring her back with me

I asked the man down at the station if he'd seen her there
I told him all about her pretty eyes and long, blond hair
He spit his tobacco, said, "I'll be dad blamed
I believe I did see her leavin' on the east bound train"

I bought a round trip ticket on the east bound train
I was broke as I could be
But when I come back and gotta buy another ticket
Gonna bring her back with me

Well, I got off the train somewhere in Arkansas
And I worked up the guts to call my mother-in-law
She said, "I'll tell you where she is, if you act right"
"She's workin' four to twelve at trucker's world tonight"

Well when I walked in she saw me, and she took off her apron
And she grabbed her goin' home hat
She bought a ticket with her tips and now we're curled up on the sofa
Me and her and that mean eyed cat

Mirror lyrics:

Me and her and that mean eyed cat
She bought a ticket with her tips and now we're curled up on the sofa
And she grabbed her goin' home hat
Well when I walked in she saw me, and she took off her apron

"She's workin' four to twelve at trucker's world tonight"
She said, "I'll tell you where she is, if you act right"
And I worked up the guts to call my mother-in-law
Well, I got off the train somewhere in Arkansas

Gonna bring her back with me
But when I come back and gotta buy another ticket
I was broke as I could be
I bought a round trip ticket on the east bound train

I believe I did see her leavin' on the east bound train"
He spit his tobacco, said, "I'll be dad blamed
I told him all about her pretty eyes and long, blond hair
I asked the man down at the station if he'd seen her there

Gonna bring her back with me
But I put on my overalls and I headed to town
I was scared as I could be
When I heard a whistle blowin', and the big wheels a-turnin'

It said, "Dear John, honey, baby, I'm long gone"
I found a little old note where her head belonged
There wasn't a cotton pickin' thing on her side of the bed
When I woke up this mornin' and I turned my head

And bought some store bought cat food for that mean eyed cat
But she gave ten dollars for a ten cent hat
I said, "Now buy a little groceries, and don't spend no more"
I give my woman half my money at the general store

Relevant Tags:
MMean EEyed CCat ean yed at eMan yEed aCt jean syed fat jMean sEyed fCat Mjean Esyed Cfat kean 3yed xat kMean 3Eyed xCat Mkean E3yed Cxat
nean fyed vat nMean fEyed vCat Mnean Efyed Cvat Meean ryed dat Man rEyed dCat Maen Eryed Cdat Msan 4yed Caat Msean 4Eyed Ct Mesan E4yed Cta
M3an dyed Czt M3ean dEyed Czat Me3an Edyed Cazt Mfan wyed Cqt Mfean wEyed Cqat Mefan Ewyed Caqt Mran Eyyed Cst Mrean Eed Csat Meran Eeyd Cast
M4an Eged Cwt M4ean Egyed Cwat Me4an Eyged Cawt Mdan Ehed Cxt Mdean Ehyed Medan Eyhed Caxt Mwan E6ed Catt Mwean E6yed Ca Mewan Ey6ed Cat
Meaan Eued Caf Men Euyed Caft Mena Eyued Catf Mezn E7ed Ca5 Mezan E7yed Ca5t Meazn Ey7ed Cat5 Meqn Ejed Cah Meqan Ejyed Caht

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